Beinecke MS 78 Spain, s. XVI, XVII
Antiphonal, etc.
I. 1. ff. 1r-33v Common of Saints
2. ff. 33v-37v Dedication of a church.
3. ff. 37v-38r Commemoration of the Holy Cross.
4. ff. 38v-43v Antiphons for suffrages: Sancta Maria
succurrere miseris iuua...[lessons for Hours of the Virgin]; Petrus
apostolus et paulus doctor gentium...; Salue sancte pater patrie lux
forma minorum uirtutis...[RH 40727, Saint Francis of Assisi]; Hic vir
despiciens mundus et terrena triumphans...[RH 37909]; Vos sancti dei
incliti qui estis mente lucidi francisci [RH 22150, Sancti ordinis
minorum]; Da pacem domine in diebus nostris quia non...; O Sacrum
Conuiuium in quo christus...[RH 13677]; Sub tuum presidium confugimus
sancta dei genitrix...; Isti sunt due oliue et duo candelabra....
II. 5. ff. 44r-45r Si queris miracula, mors, error, calamitas,
demon, lepra fugiunt...[RH 18886; Anthony of Padua].
6. ff. 45r-46r Office for Peter of Alcantara, O.F.M. S.
Petri de Alcantara. Domine Iesu christe, cui sanctus Petrus adeo
fideliter in vita sua seruiuit....
7. ff. 46v-47v Office for Paschalis Baylon, O.F.M.
Paschalis admirabilis insignis et prodigijs, qui magnus splendens
meritus celestes...[RH 14600].
8. ff. 48r-50r Hymn to the Virgin. Salue mater Saluatoris
fons salutis vas honoris scala celi...[RH 18044]. f. 50v blank
Paper (sturdy; staggered thumb holes at bottom of leaves), ff. i
(contemporary paper, ruled for music) + 50, 505 x 375 (360 x 268) mm.
Written in 5 long lines of text, accompanied by musical notation;
single vertical bounding lines ruled in lead; double horizontal guide-
lines, in pale brown ink, for each line of text; staves in red with
black square notes.
The binding is too tight to allow an accurate collation.
Written by two scribes in a large round gothic bookhand. 1: ff.
1r-43v (s. XVI); 2: ff. 44r-50r (s. XVII). Scribe 2 attempts to
replicate the work of Scribe 1, but uses 5-line staves rather than 4-
Decoration for ff. 1r-43v: initials, with foliage designs, in
rectangular frame, often with ground uncolored; colors range from
vibrant blue, yellow, and orange to olive green and dark purple.
Initials for ff. 44r-50r, of similar design, with more subdued shades,
and no frames.
Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Vellum stays, contemporary paper flyleaves and
pastedowns. Original sewing on five supports attached to very thick,
square wooden boards. Beaded and colored endbands. Red edges. Covered
in brown calf [cow?] reinforced at spine with additional leather and
straps nailed to the boards. Traces of a strap and pin fastening.
Vellum label with notation "Antiphonar. Com. sanctorum" nailed to lower
board. The badly warped upper board is reinforced with two strips of
wood placed vertically on the upper surface.
Written in Spain during the 16th century presumably for Franciscan
use (Part I) and supplemented (Part II) during 17th century; the second
portion may have been added for use of the Reform Congregation of the
Spanish Discalceates of which Peter of Alcantara was the founder (see
art. 7). Presented to Yale in 1940 by Carl B. Spitzer.
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 26, no. 78.
Barbara A. Shailor