Beinecke MS 75 England, s. XVII^^1
Lawyer's Commonplace Book of Precedents
1. ff. 1r-336v The personal handbook of a legal scholar (perhaps
from Gloucestershire?) arranged according to subject and with internal
cross references; some theological and literary notes interspersed
(e.g., ff. 202r-203v, 213v have brief excerpts from Sallust, Juvenal,
Martial, Tertullian, Bacon, Horace, Cicero, Ovid, Lucan, Persius, and
the Bible, some with translations into English). Includes sections
devoted to: Constable and Marshall, Preachers and Preaching, Creeds,
Barons, Constables and Marshalls, Barons, Seales, Seals of the King,
Indictments...London, Barons and Earles, Universities of Oxford and
Cambridge, Corporations, Treason.
2. ff. 337r-347r Abbeys: fo: 53:/ Abbey lands: fo: 52:/ Ability: fo:
195:/...Words: fo: 179:/ Writts originall: fo: 93:/ Writts of Right:
fo: 93:
Alphabetical index with many entries under the heading "First
Book" and a few under "Second ["& third" suprascript]."
Paper (watermarks: unidentified arms with fleur-de-lis and various
counter-marks including IHS), ff. ii (original paper) + 348, 351 x 220
(ca. 330 x 161) mm. Written in ca. 82 lines; single horizontal bounding
line at top of folio, and a single vertical bounding line on the left
(and sometimes on the right) to delineate a column for marginal notes.
Ruled in lead.
The volume is too tightly bound to be collated.
Written in a small cramped legal script by several writers.
Binding: s. xviii. Brown leather, flesh side out or very worn.
Written in England in the first half of the 17th century, probably
by several secretaries for the original owner; the addition of a column
for "Second & third" book in the index suggests that MS 75 was the
first volume in a series of three. Unidentified round paper tag with
"151" on spine. Sold in 1830 by Jeffery of Pall Mall to Sir Thomas
Phillipps (no. 4468; tag on spine); his sale (London, 1935, no. 131) to
C. A. Stonehill from whom it was purchased by Thomas E. Marston
(bookplate); his gift to Yale in 1936.
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 2255, no. 75.
Barbara A. Shailor