Beinecke MS 69 Italy [?], s. XV^^med
Juvenal; Persius
1. ff. 1r-81r Semper ego auditor tantum numquam ne reponam/ Vexatus
tociens rauci theseide codri/...Pytagoras conctis animalibus abstinuit
qui/ Tamquam homine et uentri indulsit non omne legumen. Explicit
Satirarum Liber Decii Iunii Iuuenalis. Amen. [added in a later hand:]
Juvenal, Satirae I-XVI (with XVI preceding XV); W. V. Clausen,
ed., OCT (1959) pp. 37-175.
2. ff. 81v-95v Prima Satira. [N]ec fonte labra prolui caballino/ Nec
in bicipiti sompniasse parnaso/...Iam deties redit in rugam depinge ubi
sistam/ Inuentus crisippe tui finitor acerui. Explicit Liber Persii
Satirice. [added in another hand:] Satira Sexta.
Persius, Prologue followed by Satirae I-VI; Clausen, op.
cit., pp. 3-28.
3. ff. 97r-98r Miscellaneous sententiae, all unidentified. One of
the miscellaneous poems, said to have been by Petrarch, is no longer in
the manuscript; it may have been on f. 96 which was already missing
when Ullman included it in his index (Ullman, no. 55). ff. 98v-99r
4. f. 99v Excerpts from Seneca.
5. f. 100r [Poem attributed in the manuscript to Antonio Beccadelli;
heading in codex:] Panormita. Dum mea me genetrix grauido gestaret in
aluo [partly concealed by mending tape]...femina uir neutrum flumina
tella cruces [in a later hand:] mirabilis conclusio.
A. Beccadelli, Carmen de hermaphrodita [Treviso, ca. 1475]; Hain
6. f. 100v Monaca: Me tibi teque mihi genus etas et decor
equant...Gaudeo quia uerbis sum superata tuis. f. 101r-v blank
Short dialogue between a nun and a cleric; Walther, Initia 10852.
Paper (sturdy; watermarks: similar to Briquet Couronne 4639-40 and
unidentified bird), ff. i (contemporary paper) + 100 (foliation begins
on 2; f. 96 cut out), 212 x 143 (142 x 82) mm. Written in 24 lines of
verse; single bounding lines; ruled in hard point.
I^^10, II^^12 (-8; no loss of text), III^^16, IV^^12, V^^14, VI^^10,
VII^^12, VIII^^10, IX^^6 (-1). Catchwords perpendicular to text along
inner bounding line.
Written in humanistic script by a single scribe. Marginal and
interlinear notes in several contemporary hands.
One original initial, in red, on f. 1r; all other initials appear
to be later additions, some drawn in lead.
Most leaves mended in lower outer corner.
Binding: s. xix. Narrow brown calf spine with traces of gold
tooling, small vellum corners and purple paper sides. Much rubbed and
Written possibly in Italy in the mid-15th century; its origin is
difficult to determine. The script is Italian in appearance, but the
paper seems to be Northern European (watermarks similar in type to
Briquet Couronne 4639: Duesseldorf 1438, and Couronne 4640: Colmar
1441). Obtained (ca. 1820) by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 292, note on f.
1r) from the Abbey of S. Ghislain in Belgium. His sale (1896, no. 785)
to Leighton (Cat. 1, 1920, no. 252; 5, 1924, no. 56); J. T. Adams sale
(London, 7 Dec. 1931, no. 137) to Maggs. Purchased from Maggs by Thomas
E. Marston (bookplate) who presented it to Yale in 1936.
secundo folio: Exul ob
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 155, no. 4.
Barbara A. Shailor