Beinecke MS 42 Italy, s. XV^^2
1. ff. 1r-3r Rubrics for the mass, under the heading Incipit ordo
Graduale secundum consuetudinem romane curie.
2. ff. 3r-97v Graduale from Andrew to Clement, including full
offices for Agatha (f. 18r), Zenobius (f. 39r), John the Baptist (f.
42v), Felicitas (f. 52v) and Lawrence (ff. 63v and 72v).
3. ff. 97v-215r Commune sanctorum.
4. f. 215r-v Office for Ansanus.
5. ff. 215v-219v Dedication of a Church.
6. ff. 219v-224v Office of the Dead. Ends imperfectly: Requiem
eternam dona eis domine et lux perpetua luceat// Catchword: eis.
7. first flyleaf at back: Index in a later hand, titled "Repertorium
rerum omnium quae in hoc libro continentur dispositum a Fratre Elia
Pinelli." Arranged alphabetically under the headings Introitus,
Graduales, Alleluia, Tractus, Offertoria, and Communiones.
Parchment, ff. i (cardboard) + i (slightly later parchment) + 226
(foliated by original scribe with red Roman numerals, beginning with i
on f. 1 verso and including 98 bis; modern foliation in pencil, used
above, includes 59 bis) + i (slightly later parchment) + i (cardboard),
645 x 438 (425 x 270) mm. Written in long lines, 6 staves with 6 lines
of text; ruled in lead, double vertical bounding lines full across.
I-V^^10, VI^^10 (-3, after f. 52, cut out; traces of off-set color
from a full border remain on f. 52v), VII-XXII^^10, XXIII^^6. Catchwords
to right of the inner bounding lines, perpendicular to text, surrounded
by flourishes with yellow wash or three dots.
Written by one scribe in large round gothic bookhand. Index added
later by Frater Elia Pinelli, in humanistic script.
Three historiated initials; that on f. 3r (Sts. Peter and Andrew),
the Calling of Sts. Peter and Andrew, is of high quality and close in
style to work of Francesco di Lorenzo Roselli; purple: with white
floral highlights; ornate purple, blue and green fruit and floral
border, inner margin, with candelabra, hairspray and gold dots. The two
other historiated initials are of inferior quality: f. 78v (Holy Cross)
Cross with Arma Christi and f. 220r (Mass of the Dead) two roundels:
skull and cross-bones against a landscape and skeleton with scythe
against a black ground. Very fine penwork 3- and 2-line initials
comparable to, but more ornate than initials by Guinifortus de
Vicomercato (cf. Indiana University, Lilly Library MS Ricketts 240, in
Two Thousand Years of Calligraphy, exhib. cat., [Baltimore, 1965] pp.
54 and 59, no. 38; Oxford, Bod. Lib. Canon. Pat. Lat. 177, in Paecht
and Alexander, v. 2, no. 253; and Vatican, Lat. Ottob. 183); done in
red or blue (one on f. 57r in gold), decorated with white bands and
jewels, with blue and red penwork, large illusionistic jewel studs and
simple fruit and floral borders, painted in purple, blue, green, and
yellow or in pen, red, blue with some black and yellow; initial on f.
189r with two seraphim. Some 2-line initials incorporate ivy or fruit
swags. 1-line initials, red or blue, divided, with blue or red penwork,
jewel studs, circles and lozenges, in green, yellow and tan. Square
musical notation on 4-line red staves. Rubrics throughout.
Binding: s. xvii-xviii. Original sewing on 6 double cords, each
covered with brown leather and probably nailed to inside of boards. Red
and gold wound endbands. Heavy boards are covered with thick leather
[cowskin?] and the spine is covered separately with leather nailed to
the edge of each board. There are four brass corner pieces and a large
central boss on each board, bosses protruding from the three outer
edges, and a strap and pin fastening, the pin on the lower board.
Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century; the
offset on f. 53v of an elaborately decorated border for the opening
leaf of the office of St. Felicitas suggests that the codex was
originally produced for an institution associated with this saint.
Given in 1679 to a church of Sta. Lucia by R. P. Jo. Ant. Disdotti of
Bergamo; inscription on verso of second front flyleaf, reads: "D. O.
R. P. Jo. Ant. Disdotti Bergomensis Ecclesiae Chori Sacristi atque
Conuenti huius Procurator, nec non et assiduus Benefactor, Qui dum
operabatur pro sacris paramentis reficiendis, et ex nouis ornando
Sacristiam, In vigilia S. Andreae Apostoli Anni Domini MDCLXXIX ad
Chori decus istum Librum transmisit, et omnia in honorem eiusdem Dei,
atque Beatae Virginis Mariae, ac Sanctae Luciae Virginis et Martyris
huius Ecclesiae Titularis quo eius solemni die primo Liber apertus fuit
ad cantandum." On verso of end flyleaf, crude arms done in pen and ink
(s. xviii?) of the Convent at Prato and Santa Maria Novella of
Florence. Obtained in Florence in 1903 by Addison van Name. Gift of
Victor O. Freeburg in 1953.
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 170, no. 42.
Barbara A. Shailor