Beinecke MS 41 Germany, s. XV^^in
Breviary, pars aestivalis, use of Carmelites
1. f. 1r blank except for ownership notes (see below); f.
1v antiphons and capitula.
2. ff. 2r-7v Graded calendar in red and black with numerous later
additions; among the feasts are those of Basil (8 Jan., duplex, added),
Honoratus (16 Jan., 9 lessons, added), Faustinus and Jovita (15 Feb., 9
lessons, added), Cyril (6 March, duplex, in red), Joseph (19 March,
duplex, added), Angelus "ordinis carmelitarum" (5 May, duplex, added),
Albert of Trapani "confessoris ordinis nostri" (7 Aug., duplex, in
red), Conception of the Virgin (8 Dec., totum duplex, added). Many
other saints from the Roman Martyrology have been added incorrectly:
wrong date, wrong attribute or wrong gender (e.g. Crescentiana and
Juliana virgins on 12 August).
3. ff. 8r-62r Temporale from Easter through the Saturday after the
first Sunday in November. ff. 62v-63v ruled, but blank
4. ff. 64r-74v Gospel readings for the 24 Sundays after Trinity.
5. ff. 75r-78v Offices of the anniversary of the dedication of a
church, and of its octave.
6. ff.79r-194v Matins of the Sanctorale from Ambrose (4 April)
through Linus (26 November).
7. ff. 194v-198v Suffrages added by a later hand throughout the
liturgical year to the Virgin, Anna, all angels, all saints and for
peace; benedictions for Matins.
8. ff. 199r-224r Common of saints.
9. ff. 224v-228v Commemoration of the Virgin, for Matins only, with
2 sets of 9 lessons.
10. ff. 229r-258r Lauds through Compline of the
Sanctorale from Ambrose (4 April) through Linus (26 November) with some
later additions in the margins.
11. ff. 258r-259r Added by several different hands: antiphons to the
Virgin; an antiphon De sancto angelo carmelitarum; an office to John
the Evangelist before the Latin Gate; antiphons to Gereon and for the
octave of Martin.
12. ff. 259v-260r Added in a later hand, a list of feasts, January
to November, with a note of local veneration (usually Ravenna, Florence
and Rome); many of these feasts were also added to the calendar. Of
particular interest are the entries for 6 March, "Cirilli presbiteri et
confessoris ordinis nostri in monte Carmeli" and for 16 May, "Simonis
[Stock] ordinis nostri confessoris burdegale". f. 260v, versicles and
responses from the common of saints
Paper (with parchment conjugate leaves at beginning and end of
quires; calendar on parchment), ff. ii (parchment) + 260 + ii
(parchment), 143 x 100 (90 x 63) mm. Written in ca. 36 long lines;
single vertical bounding lines ruled in ink; horizontal guide-lines for
written space in lead. Prickings in upper and lower margins.
The binding is too tight to permit precise collation, but most
gatherings seem to be composed of 12 leaves. Remains of catchwords
along lower edge near gutter.
Written primarily by a single scribe (see below) in an informal,
but careful, gothic script. Numerous additions by contemporary and
later writers.
Plain initials and KL monograms, 6- to 1-line, in red. Rubrics
throughout. Paragraph marks, underlining, and initial strokes in red.
The verso of the final folio bears the partially erased image of a
large decorative initial, in green, over which the later text was
written (see art. 12).
Binding: s. xix. Head and fore-edge gilt, with tawed, pink markers
on the fore-edge. Bound by William Matthews, a leading American binder
(second half of the 19th century) in a dark brown goatskin Jansenist
binding (plain outside with gold-tooled doublures).
Written probably in Mainz at the beginning of the 15th century by
the scribe Gerhardus de Castris for Carmelite use, as shown by the
saints in the calendar: the feasts of Basil, Albert, the Conception and
daily commemoration of Anna (cf. art. 7) were incorporated into
Carmelite liturgy in 1411; all appear here as subsequent additions. The
feast of Cyril, here in the main hand, was introduced in 1399.
Ownership note (s. xv) on f. 1: "Ad Carmelitas Conventus Moguntinensis
fratrum beatissime marie virginis Breviarium Estivale de tempore et de
sanctis Manu Venerabilis patris Gerhardi de Castris quondam ibidem
prioris scripti [sic] et cetera". On f. 2 (s. xvii) "Carmeli Moguntino,
N. n. 8". On f. 1r (s. xvii?) "Ling[?] N. 148". Of s. xix, the
signature of Leander van Ess with the number 65 (f. 1r); the book has
been rebound and there is no evidence to suggest that it was sold with
the van Ess collection to Sir Thomas Phillipps. Bequeathed to Yale by
John W. Sterling (1844-1918; no. 80 in the inventory of his estate).
secundo folio: [calendar, f. 3:] KL Marcius
[text, f. 9:] [in exi]tu hij
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 170, no. 41.
Barbara A. Shailor