Beinecke MS 24 (olim Z109.031) Germany, s. XV^^2
St. Birgitta, Revelationes, etc.
1. f. 1r [Table of Contents for Revelationes, Book 1:] //mirabilia
continetur. Capitulum liii. Verba angeli ad sponsam de spiritu
cogitacionum...predicanda per dei amicos personis ignorantibus.
Capittulum lx. Expliciunt rubrice primi libri celestis reuelacionum dei
beate Birgitte diuinitus reuelate.
2. ff. 1r-398v Sequitur prologus in libris celestibus reuelacionum
dei Beate Birgitte diuinitus reuelatus. Stupor et mirabilia audita sunt
in terra nostra mirabile si quidem erat...cum maxima deuocione et
reuerencia inter manus predictarum personarum emisit spiritum. Explicit
liber ultimus celestis reuelacionum dei beate Birgitte principisse
Nerecie de regno Suecie diuinitus reuelatus. Deo gracias.
Beinecke MS 24 appears in the critical edition (MS H) published in
Samlinger utgivna av Svenska fornskriftsaellskapet (Lat. ser.); see C.-
G. Undhagen, ed., Sancta Birgitta Revelationes Book I (Uppsala, l978)
pp. 178-79, 199. Undhagen believes that the Yale codex was copied from
MS Oa (Katrineholm, Ericsberg Slottsbibliothek, Library of Ericsberg
For a detailed analysis of articles 3-7, see Undhagen, op.
cit., p. l79, n. 7.
3. ff. 399r-400r Incipit vita beate Birgitte in teutonico sub
breuitate conpilata. Sancta Birgitta ist geboren von den konigklichem
stamme von gotlant...degelich nach irem dode an manchem enden in
mancherhande wonder wercken von czeichen.
C. Selmer, "Die spaetmittelhochdeutschen Bestandteile der
lateinischen Birgitta-Handschrift der Universitaetsbibliothek zu Yale
und ihre Dialecktbestimmung," PMLA 51 (1936) pp. 38-40.
4. f. 400r-v Oratio de sancta Birgitta. O amantissima christi sponsa
summo principi in celestibus ualde....
5. ff. 400v-401r Oratio de beata Birgitta in teutonico. Ggegruset
sistu werde heilge muder sancta Birgitta eyn behegelich brut....
Selmer, op. cit., pp. 40-41.
6. f. 40lr Three short prayers de beata Birgitta.
7. f. 401v Incomplete prayer De sancta Birgitta, with seven parts:
De ortu et origine eius...De ipsius commendacione.
Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Lettre P 8619 and 8625), ff.
iii (paper) + 401 + iv (paper), 276 x 208 (222 x 145) mm. Written in
two columns of 39-42 lines; frame-ruled in ink or lead, with some
double inner vertical guide-lines and an occasional additional ruling
in lower margin.
I^^8, II-XL^^10 (+ 3 leaves at end; structure uncertain). Remains of
catchwords along lower edge of folio in gutter; most trimmed.
Written in a well formed running hand by a single scribe who has
been identified as Freiherr von Greifenclav (see Provenance). Divisions
for indexing carefully noted in margins.
Large penwork initials of mediocre quality, in red and blue;
foliage designs in center of letters and penwork borders, in red, are
sometimes accompanied by vulgar green dots. Many simple initials, 7- to
1-line, in red or blue; running titles in red. Rubricated throughout.
Binding: s. xix^^2. Mottled, brown calf case, gold-tooled with
monogram of comte Paul Riant on spine. Detached from bookblock.
Written in Germany in the second half of the 15th century by a
scribe identified as Freiherr von Greifenclav, abbot of the monastery
of Maria Forst (near Cologne). See Selmer, op. cit., pp. 56-57.
Belonged (ca. 1860) to the Bischoefliche Seminar-Bibliothek at Hamburg
(stamp on f. lr); in 1882 it was sold by C. H. Beck of Noerdlingen
(Cat. l55, no. 52) to comte Paul Riant (booklabel; L. de Germon and L.
Polain, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu M. le comte Riant [Paris,
1896] v. 1, p. 360, no. 2472). His Scandinavian library was presented
to Yale University by Mrs. Henry Farnam, in 1896 (A. B. Benson, "The
Scandinavian Collection," Gazette 8 [1933] pp. 49-53).
secundo folio: vane glorie
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 166, no. 24.
U. Montag, Das Werk der heiligen Birgitta von Schweden in
oberdeutscher Ueberlieferung (Munich, 1968) p. 40.
Barbara A. Shailor