Beinecke MS 20 (olim Z109.04) Germany, 1452
Albertus Magnus, Commentarii in Librum IV Sententiarum Petri Lombardi
ff. 1r-317r Sapientia edificauit sibi domum. excedit columpnas
septem [Prov. 9.1]. In isto verbo praepostero ordine narrantur...De
pedibus sedentis super solium. Istud accipitur de ysaya [7.1] et licet
aliter exponitur a beato dyonisio tam in celesti...breuis totius libri
sentenciarum epilogus. In quo et finitur...Amen. Et sic est finis
Scripti sentenciarum quarti Doctoris Alberti magni Completus Anno
domini millesimo Quadringentesimo Quinquagesimo Secundo tercia die
Augusti De quo laus detur qui in celis dominetur Per me laurencium de
Stegmueller, Sent., v. 1, p. 26.
Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Ancre 381, Balance 2427, Tete
de boeuf 15102), ff. ii (parchment, stubs only) + 317 + ii (parchment,
stubs only), 283 x 212 (218 x 155) mm. Written in 2 columns, 50-60
lines; frame-ruled in hard point; some prickings at top and bottom of
I-XVI^^12, XVII^^16, XVIII^^12, XIX^^12 (6 and 7 glued together; the
glued sides are blank), XX-XXIV^^12, XXV^^14, XXVI^^16 (-13, 14, 15, 16).
Gothic cursive script of three hands. Scribe 1: ff. 1r-156v;
Scribe 2: ff. 157r-274r; Scribe 3, Laurence of Mechlin, wrote ff. 274r-
317r and dated the codex 1452 (see colophon above). The first and third
copyists placed catchwords along lower edge near binding and signed
leaves in lower right corner of recto for first half of quire (e.g.,
bi, bii, etc.). Scribe 2 used catchwords underlined in red, located
under written space in the margin. Some folios are also signed in
arabic notation, in red, on recto of first leaves of gathering.
Plain initials in red and rubrics throughout.
Binding: s. xv. Original sewing on five slit, tawed straps laced
into wooden boards. Endband cores laid in grooves. Covered with white,
tawed skin, blind-tooled with a St. Andrew's cross within panel
borders. The covering leather is sewn around the endbands, from spine
to edges, with a back-stitch. Traces of round bosses, probably brass,
and of two strap and pin fastenings, the pins on the upper board.
Written by two unidentified scribes and by Laurence of Mechlin
(Colophons, v. 4, p. 25, no. 12308) in Germany in 1452. Was 0.55 in the
library of the Carthusians of St. Barbara at Cologne (C. Loeffler,
Koelnische Bibliotheksgeschichte in Umriss [Cologne, 1923] p. 71, no.
182; R. B. Marks, The Medieval Manucript Library of the Charterhouse of
St. Barbara in Cologne in Analecta Cartusiana 21-22 [Salzburg, 1974] v.
1, p. 89, fig. 82; v. 2, pp. 382-83). Evidently it was copied as part
of the effort to rebuild the library after it burned in 1451. Belonged
to Leander Van Ess, Darmstadt (no. 189, on spine); his sale to Sir
Thomas Phillipps (no. 573; stamp inside front cover, tag on spine).
Phillipps sale (London, 1910, no. 9) to Dobell. Given to Yale in 1929
by Mrs. J. L. Leipziger.
secundo folio: et insuper
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 166, no. 20.
H. S. Garrison, "D. Alberti Magni Commentarii in Librum IV
Sententiarum," Gazette 5 (1930) p. 14.
Barbara A. Shailor