Beinecke MS 16 (olim Z109.175) Flanders, s. XV^^2
Hours, use of Rome
1. f. 1r-12v Calendar, rather empty, in French; among the saints,
Juliana (16 Feb.), Honorina (27 Feb.), Leodegar (27 March, sic),
Magloire (9 April, sic), Germanus of Alexandria (29 April), Quiriacus
(4 May), Germanus of Paris (28 May), Medard (8 June), Gertrude (20
June, sic), Eligius (25 June, in red), Germanus of Auxerre (31 July),
Audomar (16 August, sic), Aegidius (1 Sept., in red), Donatianus of
Algiers (6 Sept.), Lambert (17 Sept.), Maclovius (14 Nov., sic),
Eligius (1 Dec., in red).
2. ff. 13r-16v Deuote oroison a nostre dame. O intemerata...
[masculine forms; Wilmart 488-90].
3. ff. 17r-22v A la vierge marie oroison. Obsecro te...[masculine
forms; Leroquais, LH 2.346-47].
4. ff 22v-25r Oroison a nostre dame. Stabat mater dolorosa...[RH
5. ff. 25r-26v Five Joys of the Virgin [HE 63-64].
6. ff. 27r-106v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome.
7. ff. 107r-147v Offices, in short form, for each day of the week
beginning with Sunday: Trinity, Dead, Holy Spirit, All Saints,
Eucharist, Cross, Virgin.
8. ff. 147v-154v Mass of the Virgin.
9. ff. 155r-183r Pentinential Psalms and Litany; among the 14
confessors, Romanus (2) and Albinus (6); among the 19 virgins,
Genevieve (11 and 16), Juliana (12), Gertrude (15), Ursula (18).
10. ff. 183r-194v Suffrages (headings in French) to Peter and Paul,
the Cross, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Peter and Paul
(different text than above), James, Nicolas, Lawrence, Anthony abbot,
Sebastian, Barbara, Catharine, Margaret, and Apollonia.
11. ff. 195r-237v Office of the Dead, use of Rome.
12. ff. 238r-241v Octo versus sancti bernardi. Omnipotens splendor
eterne lucis per signum sancte crucis. Illumina oculos meos...et in tua
misericordia pia et in gracia tua semper gaudere. Amen. [RH 27912]
Parchment, ff. 241 + ii (paper), 133 x 99 (82 x 55) mm. Calendar
written in 17 long lines per page, text in twelve, ruled in pale purple
ink; single bounding lines at sides and bottom, double at top of
written space, all full across; some prickings at top and bottom of
I^^12, II^^8, III^^6, IV-XXIX^^8, XXX^^6 (+ 1 leaf added, f. 238).
Catchwords along lower edge, near gutter.
Written in formal batarde script; ff. 238r-241v in a different
hand than the preceding folios, but probably almost contemporary.
Thirteen undistinguished historiated initials (6-, 4-, and 3-
line), ca. 1460-70, blue or pink with white highlights on brown grounds
with gold highlights, enclosing, on f. 44v (Lauds) the Visitation [the
initial for Matins, f. 27r, contains a butterfly, inserted by the same
artist who did the borders]; f. 62v (Prime) the Nativity; f. 69v
(Terce) the Annunciation to the Shepherds; f. 76v (Sext) the Adoration
of the Magi; f. 82v (None) the Presentation in the Temple; f. 89r
(Vespers) the Massacre of the Innocents; f. 100v (Compline) the Flight
into Egypt; f. 112v (Hours of the Dead, for Monday) Angels carrying
souls to heaven; f. 118v (Hours of the Holy Spirit, for Tuesday)
Pentecost; f. 123r (Hours of All Saints, for Wednesday) Saints; f. 131v
(Hours of the Sacrament, for Thursday) Adoration of the Host; f. 136v
(Hours of the Cross, for Friday) the Crucifixion; f. 142v (Hours of the
Virgin, for Saturday) Pieta. The subjects of the historiated initials
as well as the collation indicate that no miniatures were originally
Six other initials (ff. 13r, 17r, 27r, 107r, 155r, and 195r)
enclose carefully studied flowers. Scatter and compartmentalized
borders of average quality (ff. 13r, 62v, 76v, 82v, 89r, 100v, 107r,
112v, 118v, 131v, 142r, 155r, and 185r) added later, ca. 1480-1500, for
the most part to pages with historiated or flower initials, similar to
borders in manuscripts of the "Ghent Associates"; the majority with
acanthus branches, flowers, and birds, or flowers alone scattered on
backgrounds of pink, bright blue, slate blue, gold and/or black, or
flowers set within a lattice of twigs, the diamonds so formed
alternately pink and blue (f. 123r) or green, pink and blue (f. 238r).
(Cf. the "Hours of Mary of Burgundy and Maximilian of Austria," Berlin,
Kupferstichkabinett, MS. 78. B. 12, ca. 1475.) Three borders (ff. 27v,
69v, and 136v) with thistles, brown and blue or brown and green,
touched with gold, arranged in a wallpaper-like pattern over grounds
of slate-blue or red cross-hatched with lines in a darker shade of the
same color. (Cf., for a similar type of border, Madrid, Bib. Nac. Vit.
25-5, ca. 1477-80, and Berlin Kupferstichkabinett MS. 78. B. 13, ca.
1480; we thank A. H. van Buren for bringing these comparisons to our
attention.) In the border on f. 107r, a grotesque with the torso of a
man and the hind legs of a large cat; on f. 185r the same, holding a
bow. 2-line initials in gold on pink and blue with white highlights,
except on ff. 238r-241v, gold on blue and brown with white highlights.
1-line initials in blue with red penwork, or gold with black penwork, or
black with a red stroke; a few spaces for such initials have not been
filled. In the text, headings and marks for antiphons in red; in the
calendar, headings for months, dates, and important feasts also in red.
Line-fillers: two oblique lines, blue or gold, with dots attached.
Binding: s. xviii. Brown calf. Paste-decorated edges. Rebacked.
Spine stamped with gold leaves and the words "GETEY BOEK".
Written in Flanders, ca. 1460-70, as indicated by the style of the
initials and script. Borders added later, in Flanders, ca. 1480-1500.
Owned ca. 1840 by Henrietta Flirtmann [?]; signature and date on f. 1r.
Baggett Collection. Sale by Anderson (New York, 5 June 1901, no. 133)
to N. T. Bacon. Given in 1926 by Leonard Bacon and Susan Bacon Keith in
memory of their father, Nathaniel Terry Bacon.
Bibliography: De Ricci v. 1, p. 165, no. 16.
Barbara A. Shailor