Beinecke MS 10 (olim 4.4.17 and Z109.34) England, s. XV^^med
Hours, use unidentified
1. ff. 1r-54v Office of the Dead, beginning and ending imperfectly;
use undetermined. The responses to the lessons at Matins are 1. Credo
quod, 2. Qui lazarum, 3. Domine dum ueneris, 4. Subuenite sancti dei,
5. Heu michi domine, 6. Ne recorderis, 7. Peccantem me, 8. Domine
secundum, 9. Memento mei domine; the 9th lesson begins Vir fortissimus
2. ff. 55r-86v Penitential Psalms and Litany. Among the 27 martyrs
Thomas (2; cancelled), Austremonius (7), Marcellus (11), Quentin (12),
Edmund (13), Olanus (14), Alban (15), Irenaeus (17), Julianus (20),
Fortunatus (24); among the 30 confessors, Silvester (1), Hilary (2),
Gregory (4), Germanus (5), Taurinus (6), Eucherius (11), Eligius (12),
Florus (14), Augustine (15), Dunstan (16), Cuthbert (17), Edmund (18),
Philibert (22), Columban (23), Egidius (24), Odo (25), Majolus (26),
Odilo (27), Hugo (28), Geraldus (29) and Leonard (30); among the 23
virgins, Cyrilla (11), Ethelreda (13), Milburga (14), Rodegundis (15),
Walburgis (16), Florencia (17), Consortia (18), Daria (19), Columba
3. f. 87v Prayer in a later hand. Paucitas dierum meorum timetur
breui dimitte me domine...Libera me domine de morte eterna in die illa
tremenda// f. 88 ruled on both sides, but blank except for short
passage from John 1.6 and pen trials.
Parchment (coarse), ff. iii (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment,
with large pieces torn from outer margins) + 88 + i (paper), 185 x 120
(110 x 67) mm. Written in 12 long lines per page; single bounding
lines; ruled in pale brown ink.
I^^8 (-1, 2, 3, 4), II^^8 (-5), III-VII^^8, VIII^^8 (-4), IX-XI^^8,
XII^^2, XIII^^2 (+ 1, glued to f. 86v). Catchwords below written space,
near bounding line.
Written in liturgical gothic script of two sizes, by one person.
Prayer on f. 87v is added in a very similar script, but by a less firm
A pencilled note on f. 55r refers to a miniature cut out between
ff. 54 and 55. 2-line initials in blue, with red penwork often
extending along left border. 1-line initials in blue or red.
Rubrication to mark headings within sections in crimson or orange ink.
Binding: s. xviii. Brown calf, blind-tooled. Rebacked; back cover
Written in England, as is clear from script and decoration, but
perhaps from a French exemplar given the number of Central and Southern
French saints in the litany; the liturgical use of the Office of the
Dead remains unidentified. The name of Thomas of Canterbury and
"dompnum apostolicum" in the litany (ff. 71v and 76v) have been
cancelled. Note on the second flyleaf reads: "Enoch Huntington's the
Gift of Mr. William Cone a Book which he took out of the Ruins of a
House at Morrisania in New York in the Campaign of the Year 1776.
February 10th. 1777. Middletown in the State of Connecticut in
America." Along the inner edge of the same leaf, in a different hand,
"Presented to the Library of Yale College" [date unknown]. On f. 11r a
name in pencil: Hinnit [?]; on f. 27r, in pencil, possibly in the same
hand, Mary Demery [?].
Bibliography: De Ricci v. 1, p. 163, no. 10.
Barbara A. Shailor