Marston MS 273 Germany, s. XV 2
Reformatio Sigismundi, in Ger.
ff. 1r-24v [Text:] Allmechtiger Schopffer himels vnd des Ertriths
Gib kraft vnd tu genad...Sy tragen in dem kor Schetter daz in die
mentel singent vnd lesent//
Reformatio Sigismundi, originally written in 1439 at the
alleged instigation of the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
for the Council of Basel. The text of Marston MS 273 is the vulgate
version (V), composed around 1440; for the text of all versions,
see H. Koller, ed., Reformation Kaiser Siegmunds, MGH Staatsschriften
des spaeteren Mittelalters, Band VI (Stuttgart, 1964). The text of
Marston MS 273 breaks off at p. 213 of this edition. As with other
versions, the author of this text is supposedly Friedrich von Lantnau
or Lantzenau (see f. 6r), who claims to have undertaken the translation
of it into German from the "original" Latin. The identity of this
person is still uncertain (see Koller, op. cit., p. 6),
and the idea of a Latin "original" is rejected by the editor (Koller,
op. cit., p. 17).
Paper (watermarks: similar in general design but not in
proportions to Briquet Char 3539), ff. i (paper) + 24, 270 x 194
(190 x 140) mm. 35 long lines. Frame-ruled in pale brownish
yellow ink. Accurate collation impossible due to brittle nature of
binding and leaves.
Written by a single scribe in a neat hybrida script, without
loops and with very few abbreviations.
Spaces for title on f. 1r and elsewhere remain unfilled, as do
spaces for initials; some rubrics within text in red.
Binding: Germany, s. xix. Bluish green marbled paper wrapper.
Written in Germany in the second half of the 15th century; ownership
inscription "Des buch gehort dem [*L*M*Z*?]" partially erased. Later
titles on front flyleaf. Two labels, one with title in ink wrapped
around spine: "Reformation der geistlichen Personen M.S." and white
rectangular label with blue border and "No. 4." Purchased from
B. M. Rosenthal in 1960 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: peters
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 96, no. 273.
Barbara A. Shailor