Marston MS 262 Italy, s. XV 2
Gaspare da Verona, Regulae de constructione
ff. 1r-52v Actiuum uerbum est quod in /o/ desinit et format
passiuum in or vt lego legor amo amor licet non [est deleted]
sit in usu dor ut plurimum autem uerba actiua....quod nomen in
quacumque declinatione et genere feminino tam arborem quam fructum
significat. Reperitur etiam ficus in declinatione secunda et genere
masculino pro fructu./ Finis deo gratias. [colophon:] Laus tibi sit
christe quoniam liber explicit iste/ Explicit hic totum pro pena da
mihi potum/...Pro tanto pretio numquam plus scribere uolo/ Explicit
expliceat quis uult plus scribere scribat. ff. 53r-60v blank
Printed in Milan by Phillipus de Lavagna ca. 1476 and thereafter
(GKW, v. 9, no. 10557). Names of Latin authors cited (Nonius
Marcellus, Statius, et al.) added in margins. Marston MS 262 not
listed in Bursill-Hall, Census.
Paper (watermarks, buried in gutter: similar in design to
Briquet Fleur 6647-49, Briquet Croix grecque 5576 and Piccard
Kreuz II.607, Piccard Einhorn III.1648), ff. 60 (stubs of parchment
front and rear flyleaves?), 214 x 143 (138 x 84) mm. Double
vertical bounding lines, full length (Derolez 13.31); lines impressed
on a ruling board.
I-VI 10. Catchwords perpendicular to text between vertical
rulings (Derolez 12.5); those on f. 50v erased, then written
horizontally below written space. Remains of quire and leaf
signatures (e.g., f 1, f 2, etc.) in lower right corner, recto.
Written in humanistic cursive script with gothic features by
a single scribe, above top line.
Plain red initials, 3- to 1-line, throughout. Guide letters
for initials in margin.
Binding: Italy, s. xv. Parchment stays adhered inside each
quire. Original wound sewing on three tawed skin, slit straps
laced through tunnels in the edge to channels on the outside of
beech boards and nailed. A natural color endband, caught up on
the spine, is sewn on a tawed skin core which is laid in grooves
on the outside of the boards and pegged. Tied down through brown
Quarter bound in mottled brown tawed skin cut out around
the head and tail supports. Two fastenings, the leaf-shaped catches
(wanting) on the lower board, the upper one cut in for the red
fabric straps. The letter R written in ink on head edge.
Binding illustrated in The Medieval Book, p. 65 (no. 67).
Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century;
contemporary inscription, mostly illegible, beginning "ho...,"
on lower board. Remains of oval book label, white with blue edge:
"109 [?]" in red ink. Purchased from Bernard M. Rosenthal in 1959
by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: Compero as ui
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 95, no. 262.
Barbara A. Shailor