Marston MS 235 Southern France, s. XV med
Alfonso de Vargas y Toledo, Lectura super libros Sententiarum
1. ff. 1r-244r Incipit lectura super primum sententiarum edita a magistro
alphonso de toleto in sacra pagina professore ordinis fratrum heremitarum
sancti augustini. Ego sum alpha...[Apoc. 1.8]. Doctor ille gloriosus
ysodorus [sic] yspalensis qui inter ceteros yspanie philosophos et doctores...Amen.
prologus. [f. 2r:] Circa prologum istius operis queritur primo. Vtrum
aliqua notitia euidens de veritatibus theologie...[distinctio 1, f. 50r:]
Ueteris ac Noue...Quia magister in ista prima distinctione. principaliter.
agit de fruitione et vsu...eo prestante qui est alpha. et .o. principium
et finis in secula seculorum Amen. F[inis] N[omine] D[ei].
Explicit lectura primi libri sententiarum edita a fratre alphonso de
toleto ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti augustini. qui legit parisius
anno domini [m#o crossed out] M#o ccc#o xlv#o deo gracias.
Stegmueller, Rep. Sent. 66; for the life and works of the author see
J. Kuerzinger, Alfonsus Vargas Toletanus und seine theologische
Einleitungslehre, in Beitraege zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie
des Mittelalters XXI, 5-6 (Munster, 1930), with the contents of the
text listed on pp. 25-31.
2. f. 244r-v Incipiunt tituli questionum. Vtrum aliqua notitia euidens
de veritatibus...et obiectiones soluuntur. Expliciunt tituli questionum.
List of questiones and distinctiones in the order in which they
appear in art. 1.
3. ff. 244v-253v In dei nomine. Incipit tabula super primum sententiarum
fratris alfonsi de toleto sacre pagine doctorum ordinis fratrum heremitarum
sancti Augustini. F[inis] N[omine] D[ei]. Quoniam non eque facile est
opera registrare multiplicibus contenta partibus...[ends in section on
"voluntas"] ibidem correlatio 4.9.
Alphabetical subject index to art. 1.
Paper, with parchment inner and outer bifolia (watermarks: similar to
Piccard Ochsenkopf I.217; unidentified bull's head; unidentified hand
similar in design to Briquet Main 11080-85, but larger and surmounted by a
crown), ff. ii (modern parchment) + 253 + ii (modern parchment), 287 x 205
(202 x 155) mm. 2 columns, 48 lines. Frame-ruled in lead.
I-XIV 16, XV 14, XVI 16 (-16). Horizontal catchwords in lower margin
under inner column, verso; quires signed with letters of the alphabet
(a-p) lower right corner, verso, with the final gathering signed
vltimo on f. 239r.
Written in small, highly abbreviated, cursive minuscule script. First few
words of each text division in large round gothic bookhand.
Flourished initials, 5- to 3-line, blue with red penwork and red with
purple, incorporating harping, cross-hatching designs and marginal extensions.
Red paragraph marks on first few leaves of each gathering only.
Ink has discolored and corroded many paper leaves.
Binding: Italy, s. xix. Elaborately blind-stamped and gold-tooled brown
calf case. Gilt edges. Bound by G. Glingler, Rome.
Written in Southern France in the middle of the 15th century to judge from
the watermarks and decoration; title and ownership inscription effaced,
f. 1r. Large embossed and painted ex-libris, s. xix, on front leather
pastedown: "Ex libris Ernesti Pagnoni Mediolanensis." Purchased from C. A.
Stonehill in 1958 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: Circa prologum
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 91, no. 235.
Barbara A. Shailor