Marston MS 228 Northern France, s. XIII/XIV
Tancredus Bononiensis, Ordo iudicarius, in Fr. tr.
1. f. iv verso [Table of contents, s. xvi; heading:] Table des tiltres
contenus en l'ordinaire de maistre tancrres chanoine de boulogne. [table:]
1 des juges ordinaires---p. 2/ 2 qui peult estre juge ordinaire---3/ 3 des
juges delegues---7...[concluding:] 20 des dilations/ 21 des reconuentions/
22 quel ordre il conuient garder/ 23 des Interrogations.
2. ff. 1r-121v Ci conmence li ordinaires mestre tancrez chanoine de
bouloingne. Mi conpaignon uos uos estes grant pieca entremis. que ge
uos feisse. i. liuret. par quoi li demandierres fust ensingniez comment
il doit demander. Et conment li deffendierres se doit deffendre...[First
chapter, f. 1v:] Cist tytres est des Iuges ordinaires. Li uns des iuges
sont ordinaire [sic]. et li autre. de legat et li autre albitre.... Cez
choses nos senefient que nos auons dites briefment en ceste oeuure pour entendre
les iuges. et denteringue resticucion et des autres articles qui i sont
compris. Ci fenist li ordinaires mestre tancrez chanoine de Bouloingne.
Deo gracias.
Li ordinaires is a literal French translation of the Ordo
iudicarius of Tancredus Bononiensis (ca. 1185-1236); some contemporary
marginalia, in French.
Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment flyleaves?) +
121 (pagination, s. xvii, 1-241 [81 bis]; modern foliation, lower right
corner) + ii (contemporary parchment flyleaves?) + ii (paper), 303 x 205
(205 x 133) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Single vertical bounding lines.
Additional pair of rulings in outer and lower margins. Ruled in lead or
crayon. Prickings in upper and lower margins.
Precise collation difficult due to tight binding: I-VII 8, VIII 10
[?], IX 8 [?], X 8, remainder unclear. Remains of catchwords in lower
margin near gutter, verso.
Written in gothic bookhand by a single scribe, below top line.
Three rectangular miniatures of good quality, 11- to 8- line, ff.
1r, 25r and 67r, framed in pink and blue with gold cornerpieces and edged
in black. The subjects are: f. 1r [Bk. I] two men presenting a book to a
seated judge (slightly rubbed); f. 25r [Bk. II] seated monarch with a
sword deciding a dispute between two men; f. 67r [Bk. III] group of men
and women before a seated judge. One historiated initial, f. 104v,
11-line, blue with white filigree against pink ground with white filigree
and gold balls at the corners, showing a group of men handing a legal
document from which a seal hangs to a seated judge; serif, blue with gold
balls against pink cusped ground. Numerous flourished initials, alternating
red and blue, with designs often extending the length of the text column.
Running headlines in red and blue. Headings in red. Paragraph marks
alternate red and blue. Letters in text (both majuscules and miniscules)
often touched with red.
Binding: France, s. xix. Tan calf, blind- and gold-tooled with a black,
gold-tooled label: "Li ordinaire de Mestre Tancres." Bound by J.
Thouvenin (Paris, 1790-1834).
Written in Northern France at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th
century. Early inscriptions: s. xv-xvi#i#n, Jean de La Maison, f. iv
recto, and Gilbert Chabrol, f. iv verso; s. xvii-xviii, J. V. [?] de Murat
(perhaps a member of the family of magistrates of this name from
Carcassonne; see Descadellas, "La bibliotheque municipale de Carcassonne,"
Bulletin de la Societe des Bibliophiles de Guyenne 39 [1970] pp. 4-5); s.
xvii-xviii, Bruyere. Pagination, running titles, and marginal notes were
added by the same individual who wrote an extensive signed and dated note
on the first rear flyleaf: "Libri eius authorem vocant tancres qui cap.
venerabilis ent. de judic. tancredus vocatur Canonicus Bononiensis, hic
praxim suam pro jtalis scripsit et composuit apud Quos maxime jus
canonicum viget, unde nihil fere ad usum nostrum forensem vixit circa
annum 1227 ut probatur ix. d. cap. venerabilis quod ei ab honorio 3. o
pontifice, qui eo anno decessit, qui eum gallico sermoni dedit js
per quam vetusto loquitur jdiomate. et quod minus a francis
jntelligeretur, jnterpres omnia ad normam latinitatis etiam usque ad
jneptias traduxit, antiquus hic autor maxime jntelligitur quod nullos
laudet doctores, nec ullam nisi vtriusque juris habeat citationem quarum
jtalis multa est copia. jtaque meo judicio piscantur hamo aureo quicumque
huic lecturae vellent jncumbere, credant experto, et nulli fere vtilitati
hunc librum aestimo, nisi forte conducat adjudicanda capita vtriusque
juris et eorum jn rebus de quibus hic agitur conuenientiam; sed haec
abunde alibi. habebis etiam hic sed raro. verborum aliquorum quibus utimur
originem. Et haec ego jnserui; ne alius tantum quantum ego tempus terat
18 augusti anno domini 1665. Prohest." Unidentified shelf-marks include
"No 332" in ink on f. 121v; round paper label with "C/Res." on front
pastedown; "No. 17149" in ink on rectangular label on back pastedown.
Purchased in 1955 from Maurice Chamonal, Paris, by L. C. Witten (inv. no. 845),
who sold it in 1958 to Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: dabatre
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 90, no. 228.
Barbara A. Shailor