Marston MS 223 Italy, s. XIV 1; England [?], s. XIII ex-XIV 1/4
Haimo of Auxerre; John of Wales, etc.
I. 1. f. 1r-v Ad romanos. Ab achaia regione grecorum scripxit
apostolus paulus tomanis epistolam...; Ad corinthios. prima. Precepto
saluatoris monitus apostolus uenit corinthum...; Ad galatas. Galate sunt
in bictinia [for bythinia] prouincia grecia. et fuerunt galli...; Ad
ephesios. Ephesus ciuitas est asie et grecie. inde ephesi...; Ad
philippenses. Philippenses sunt macedones. id est greci. Grecia a diuersis
regibus...; Ad colosenses. Colosenses siue laudicenses sunt asiani greci.
Laudicio ciuitas est grecie...; Ad thesalonicenses. Macedonia prouincia
est grecorum in qua est ciuitas metropolis...; Secunda epistola. Secundam
epistolam missit eis confortans...; Ad timotheum. Timotheus fuit grecus et
sotius apostoli et ab eo episcopus ordinatus...; Secunda epistola.
Secundam epistolam scribi ei ab urbe roma...; Ad titum. Titum instruit
de constitutione...; Ad philemonem. Philemoni scribit a roma de carcere...;
Ad hebreos. Hebreis etiam scribit apostolus ipsis dico iudeis ad
fidem...superbi forte non recepissent.
Brief prologues to the Pauline Epistles, paraphrasing or extracted from
the argumenta of Haimo of Auxerre, Expositio in epistolas Sancti
PL 117.361-938 (see also art. 2).
2. ff. 1v-23r Dominica prima de aduentu. Scientes quia hora est...[Rom.
13.11]. Remigius. De somno infidelitatis et uiciorum abque ignorantie.
surgere. ad bona opera agenda...; Dominica secunda de
Quecumque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam...[Rom. 15.4]. Remigius.
Quecumque scripta sunt. scilicet in lege moysi et prophetis et psalmis et
reliquis scripturis...Dominica .xxiiij. post pentecosten. Non cessamus
pro uobis orantes...[Col. 1.9]. Remigius. Require.//
Notes for sermons arranged according to the liturgical year; text
defective. After the rubric and Biblical reading, each text consists of
key phrases quoted from or paraphrasing Haimo of Auxerre, Expositio in
epistolas Sancti Pauli (in this manuscript attributed to Remigius);
PL 117.361-938. See also art. 1.
3. ff. 23v-24r Incipiunt alique auctoritates beati Remigij super epistolas
beati pauli apostoli. Et primo super epistulam ad Romanos. Romanos .8.
Remigius. Deus eterne qui absconditorum et futurorum es cognitor...[concluding
in rubric Hebreos. 1. Remigius:] qui non flagellatur. sine dubio non
est in numero filiorum. [followed by a short passage added in a later
hand: De expositione alleluia].
Supplementary material for art. 2.
4. f. 24v Dominica secundum [?] pasca. Expurgate vetus fermentum...[1
Cor. 5.7]. [added in margin:] Cor. 5. Remigius. Et quia modicum quid
corrumpit et inficit totam massam uirtutum...sed maneatis in azimis. et
II. 5. ff. 25r-52r Qui custodierint iusticiam iuste iudicabuntur...[Sap.
6.11]. Quantum ad commendacionem electorum duo tanguntur in uerbis
istis...pane celesti reficiat; [f. 29r:] Qui habitatis terram austri cum
panibus occurite. Fundens. ydriam...; [f. 36v:] Probauit me quasi aurum
[Job 23.10]. Hic iiii#o#r exprimuntur. scilicet pacientis bonitas in
auro...; [f. 38r:] Fons de domo domini [Joel 3.18]. In uerbis gloriose
uirginis marie....
Unidentified sermons. This art. and the following have been marked
for indexing: arabic numerals 85-100, 1-35 (in this order) in the upper
margin, letters of the alphabet d and e in upper right corner, and key
words and phrases in margin that also appear in the subject index at
the conclusion of the codex (see art. 7). The beginning of this text appears
to be wanting since early indexing begins with "85" on f. 25.
6. ff. 52v-75r [Title, added in a different hand:] Incipit breuiloquium
de uirtutibus antiquorum principum ac philosophorum. [prologue:] Quoniam
misericordia et ueritas custodiunt regem. et roboratur clemencia tronus
eius...[Prov. 20.28]. Ymo iiij or uirtutes cardinales. scilicet
prudencia...[Ch. 1, heading in a different hand:] Capitulum primum de iusticia
in possidendo. [text:] Propterea primo premittantur exemplares narraciones
de iusticia...vbi uis permanere ego uita. Amen. f. 75v blank
John of Wales, Breviloquium; Glorieux, 322b and Bloomfield, Virtues
and Vices, no. 4971 (Marston MS 223 not listed). For the author's life and
works see W. A. Pantin, "John of Wales and Medieval Humanism," Medieval
Studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S. J., ed. J. A. Watt, J. B. Morrall,
F. X. Martin, O. S. A. (Dublin, 1961) pp. 297-319. Indexed in the same
manner as art. 5.
7. ff. 76r-77v Abicere .66. c./ Aceruus .j. a./ Accipere spiritum sanctum .24.
d/...Christus .7. d./ Christus passus .10. d./ Zelus .45. c. f. 78r-v blank
except for notes (see provenance below)
Alphabetical subject index for Part II (see also art. 5).
Composed of two distinct parts: parchment, ff. ii (paper) + 78 + ii (paper,
with additions pasted in), 149 x 116 mm.
Part I: ff. 1-24, written space 120 x 80 mm. 2 columns, ca. 31-36 lines.
Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines in crayon or lead. Remains
of prickings in upper, lower and outer margins. I-II 12. Scribe I copied
ff. 1r-6v in small gothic bookhand with southern features; Scribe II
copied ff. 7r-24r in a somewhat more angular gothic bookhand; additions by
different scribes on f. 24r-v. Red initials, 3- to 2-line, with crude
harping designs in black; headings and paragraph marks (art. 3) in red.
Instructions for rubricator.
Part II: ff. 25-78, written space 124 x 77 mm. 33 long lines. Single
vertical and usually horizontal bounding lines full across. Additional pair of
rulings in upper and lower margins. Text rulings often extend through
gutter. Ruled in lead. III-V 16, VI 6. Arts. 5-6 copied in small neat
gothic bookhand, by a single scribe; some marginalia added in anglicana script
(e.g., f. 46v); art. 7 added in a less careful gothic bookhand. Flourished
initials, 3- to 2-line, alternate red and blue with penwork designs in the
opposite color. Paragraph marks alternate red and blue; headings, often added
in margin, in red. Remains of guide letters for decorator.
Binding: England, s. xix. Backs of quires cut in for original sewing.
Brown calf case, blind-tooled.
A composite manuscript written in different locations and periods: Part II
(ff. d85-d100 and e1-e35 of a larger manuscript) was probably written in
England (or Northern France?) at the end of the 13th or beginning of the
14th century; Part I was written in Italy in the first half of the 14th century.
The index constituting art. 7 was added on blank leaves in Italy in the
14th century, perhaps at the same time that Parts I and II were joined together
to form the present codex. Ownership inscription on f. 75r and repeated
twice on f. 78v: "liber fratris Baptiste de Binosuperiori [?] ordinis
minorum Sotii prouincie Mediolanensis 1490." Belonged to William A. Cragg
of Lincoln College, Oxford (bookplate); his correspondence concerning the
manuscript pasted in back of volume, including a letter from Reginald
Maxwell Woolley dated 1931 encouraging Cragg to place his collection in the
Lincoln Cathedral Library, as well as an index of the contents of the
manuscript prepared by Woolley. Description from unidentified sale catalogue
pasted to back flyleaf. Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1958 by Thomas
E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: consolationem
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, pp. 89-90, no. 223.
Barbara A. Shailor