Marston MS 216 England [?], s. XIII 2/4; Northern France, s. XV med
Nicolaus de Lyra, etc.
I. 1. f. 1r blank; ff. 1v-3v [Heading in upper margin, damaged:] Magister
Nicholaus de torniaco super cc#a Exodi...[text:] Abissus. l. .iiij./
Accessus ad deum. xix./ Aduocati. ii vi. xx. xxxiij. xlviij./...Unanimitas.
xliij./ Venter et secessus diaboli. xxx./ Zelus. xliiij.
Alphabetical subject index to art. 2 for use in preaching; folio references
in art. 2 appear in upper left corner, verso, and the key word in the margin.
2. ff. 4r-59r Magister Nicholaus de Torniaco super cc#a. Exodi. Ego
indurabo et cetera [Ex. 14.4]. Duplicem plagam infligendam iudeis. notat ysa
[sic] cum ait. Quare nos errare fecisti...non tantum a uoluptuosis sed
etiam a plerisque utilibus abstinere debere. et solis necessariis esse
contemptos. Explicit.
Nicolaus Tornacensis [?], Commentaria super Exodum 14.4-15.5;
Stegmueller, no. 6007 where it is attributed to Nicolaus Parisiensis.
Here the text is attributed to Nicolaus de Tornaco (Tournai).
Schematization of topics for sermons occur in many margins
for arts. 2 and 6.
3. f. 59v [S]uper cathedram et cetera et infra auctoritate statuimus et
ordinamus eadem ut fratres dictorum ordinum de obuencionibus...confirmacionem
Iura aliqua addiderant et cetera.
Unidentified text on canon law.
4. ff. 59v-60r [V]trum fratres teneantur soluere sacerdotibus parochialis [?]
quartam partem de hiis que relinquuntur eis ab illis qui non sepeliuntur apud
eos...sepulture incepissent et [one word unclear] sed persona interdicta
et cetera [one word effaced] dottores in Curia.
Unidentified text on canon law, with specific reference to Franciscans.
5. ff. 60v-61v [A]bscondere .i./ Accelerate. xliij./ Admirabiliter.
xliij./...Uirginitas. x. xi./ Vmbra. xix.
Alphabetical subject index to art. 6; folio references in art. 6 appear in
upper left corner, verso, and the key word in the margin. The index entries
for the letter u are written on a piece of parchment carefully stitched to
f. 61v so as not to obscure the rest of the text on f. 61v.
6. ff. 62r-107r Magister Nicholaus de Torniaco. Ego sum Gabriel et
[Luc. 1.19]. In hoc natatur quod si quis de propria infirmitate diffidat.
de fortitudine dei debet confidere...et ubi pax. ibi est regnum eius. et
e contrario. f. 107v blank
Nicolaus Tornacensis [?], Commentaria in Lucam 1.19-1.33; Stegmueller,
no. 6007,2 where it is attributed to Nicolaus Parisiensis. Here the text
is attributed to Nicolaus de Tornaco (Tournai).
7. ff. 108r-110v Letare sterilis...[Gal. 4.27]. Discubuerunt ergo
uiri...[John 6.10]...[text:] Cogitanti mihi qualiter in epistola de ysa
[sic] sumptum ad euuangelij miraculum ordinetur...in caritate in fide in
Philippus Cancellarius, Sermo de tempore; Schneyer, v. 4, p. 829 (163).
8. ff. 110v-113r Est puer unus hic...[John 6.9]...Sume tibi librum...[Is.
8.1]...[text:] Est liber nature et est liber experiencie. et est liber
gracie...exercitacio. operis ad modicum ualet. pietas autem ad omnia absque
fermento// f. 113v blank
Philippus Cancellarius, Sermo de tempore (ending imperfectly?);
Schneyer, v. 4, p. 830 (164).
II. 9. ff. 114r-140v Introduces eos et plantabis eos...[Ex. 15.17].
Secundum hebreos a libro iosue incipiunt libri prophetales ut patet per
ieronimum in prologo super libros regum. Secundum vero divisionem...non est
in hebreo nec in libris correctis. Explicit iosue.
Nicolaus de Lyra, Postilla in Iosuam; Stegmueller, no. 5834. Text here
divided into 14 chapters.
10. ff. 141r-165v Suscitauit dominus iudices...[Jud. 2.16]. Sicut in
libro iosue a quo incipiunt libri hystoriales agitur de terre promissionis
ingressu vel pocius...non fecistis quia non ceperunt eas de voluntate vestra.
Explicit iudicum.
Nicolaus de Lyra, Postilla in Iudices; Stegmueller, no. 5835. Text here
divided into 21 chapters.
Composed of two distinct parts both written on parchment, 238 x 182 mm.
Part I: ff. 1-113, written space: 175 x 125 mm. 2 columns, 35 lines.
Ruled in crayon or lead. Double vertical outer bounding lines, single inner,
with an additional ruling between columns; a pair of rulings in outer margin to
delineate column for index entries. Horizontal bounding lines ruled
irregularly: usually two widely spaced upper and lower bounding lines and two
or three widely spaced horizontal rulings through middle of written space.
Prickings prominent in outer and inner margins. I 4 (-4), II-VIII 8, IX 2
(ff. 60-61), X 10, XI-XIII 8; remaining leaves of Part I difficult to collate
due to tight binding and repairs. Remains of horizontal catchwords under
inner column along lower edge, verso. Written by multiple scribes in spiky
gothic bookhand, both above and below top line; ff. 59v-60r in a later, less
formal gothic script. Poorly executed initials, 3- to 2-line,
in blue or red with designs in opposite color; plain red or blue initials for
arts. 1 and 5. Headings and underlining for Biblical passages in red.
Part II: ff. 114-165, written space: 177 x 139 mm. 2 columns, 41 lines.
Single vertical or double upper and single lower horizontal bounding lines.
Ruled in pen. I 8 (half leaf, f. 119, with omitted text), II-V 8, VI 10
(+ 1 leaf added at end). Catchwords for individual leaves in some quires,
center of lower margin, verso. Written in batarde script, below top line.
Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, headings, paragraph marks, underlining for
Biblical passages, initial strokes and punctuation, in red.
Binding: France [?], s. xix-xx. Quarter bound in brown calf, blind-tooled,
over oak boards. Bound by the same binder as Marston MSS 119, 214 and 236.
Part I was probably written in England in the second quarter of the 13th
century, with the text on ff. 59v-60r added in France in the first half of
the 15th century; rust stains on ff. 109-113 indicate that Part I was once
bound separately. Part II was written in Northern France in the middle of
the 15th century. It is unclear when Parts I and II were joined together;
the off-set impression of an initial with border on f. 165v does indicate,
however, that at least Part II was formerly bound together with Marston
MS 214. Oval book stamp of unidentified French seminary on f. 1r.
Miscellaneous modern notes about contents of manuscript on front pastedown.
Purchased from L. C. Witten (inv. no. 2090) in 1958 by Thomas E. Marston
secundo folio: [Part I, f. 2, index:] Electio
[f. 5, text:] quod hic
[Part II, f. 115:] timebat
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 89, no. 216.
Barbara A. Shailor