Marston MS 199 Florence, s. XV 3/4
Jerome, Epistolae, etc.
1. ff. ii recto - iv verso Incipiunt tituli siue rubrice
[remainder of heading mostly illegible]. A/ Hieronymus ad Eustochium
virginem de virginitate seruanda/ Audi filia et vide et inclina aurem tuam
et obliuiscere populum [added above: tuum] et domum patris tui et cet.
folio 15/...[ends in the letter R:] Hieronymus ad pamachium et Marcellam
contra suos detractores inuectiua...de greco in latinum translatis./
folio 267 Rursum orientalibus uos locupleto mercibus et alexandrinas
Table of contents arranged alphabetically according to incipits;
each incipit preceded by rubric as it appears in text. Some portions
badly stained and illegible; ends defectively.
2. ff. 2r-328v [f. 1 missing; text begins on 2r:] //mariam uxorem tuam. Et
rursum. Exsurgens ioseph...hoc accidisse ab omnibus iudicetur. Mei
augustine carissime in tuis orationibus memor esto. Explicit transitus
beati et gloriosi hieronymi cum miraculis eiusdem.
A compilation of both genuine and spurious works attributed to Jerome,
letters addressed to Jerome, and works by other authors about Jerome. In the
following concordance we give the folio reference on which a work begins, with
the appropriate citation in B. Lambert, ed., Bibliotheca Hieronymiana
Manuscripta in Instrumenta Patristica IV (Steenbrugge, 1969). A text
is complete unless otherwise noted. Contemporary hand has entered some
variant readings and pointing hands in margins. Spaces usually left unfilled
for Greek, often with scribe's note "g" in margin; in those instances where
Greek was written out, Latin glosses appear in margin.
[f. 1r] (251); f. 7r (309); f. 9 missing: "...in eternam regina // natura
quam virgo..."; f. 15r (22); f. 24v (107); f. 27v (130); f. 33r (54);
f. 36r (123); f. 40v (79); f. 43r (117); f. 45v (122); f. 48v (31, 20 lines
omitted: "//armillis in Ezechihele...quae bona, bona ualde//");
f. 48v (672); f. 48v (313); f. 53v (125); f. 57r (58); f. 59v (342);
f. 60v (69); f. 64v (147); f. 67r (14); f. 69v (52); f. 73v (318, with text
in manuscript concluding: "...totiens te scias quo pollicitus es esse
veniendum."); f. 76r (60); f. 80r (68); f. 80v (118); f. 82v (1);
f. 84r (77); f. 86v (66); f. 89r (39); f. 92r (108); f. 100v (127);
f. 103r (358, text ending: "...Vnde vides. quia sicut peccati contagione
maculamur. ita expulsione eius abluimur"; PL 20.1037-41); f. 104v (73);
f. 106r (129); f. 108v (64); f. 113r (308); f. 115r (120); f. 124r (121);
f. 134v (119, the text is complete, but several sections have been
transposed); f. 139r (319); f. 147v (334, conclusion of text in
manuscript differs from that printed in PL 30.245-48 [253-56]); f. 148v
(307); f. 153r (35); f. 153r (36); f. 156r (206, Prologue to Interpretatio
Homiliarum duarum Origenis in Cantica Canticorum, followed by Origenis in
Cant. Cant.: Homilia prima, Homilia secunda); f. 163v (18A); f. 167r (18B);
f. 168r (19); f. 168r (20); f. 169r (21); f. 174r (316); f. 175r (317);
f. 177r (514); f. 187v (15); f. 188r (16); f. 188r (343); f. 188v (346);
f. 188v (347); f. 189r (49); f. 194v (48); f. 195r (50); f. 196v (51);
f. 199v (57); f. 203r (83); f. 203r (80); f. 203v (84); f. 206v (124);
f. 210v (81); f. 210v (PL 21.623-28: Apologia quam pro se misit Rufinus
Presbyter ad Anastasium); f. 211v (256); f. 222r (61); f. 223r (109);
f. 224r (253); f. 227r (332); f. 228r (138); f. 228v (63); f. 228v (91);
f. 229r (87); f. 229r (88); f. 229r (89); f. 229v (90); f. 229v (254);
f. 240v (56); f. 242r (67); f. 243r (110); f. 245r (105); f. 245v (104);
f. 246v (116); f. 252r (112); f. 256v (115, manuscript includes passage
not in printed text: "Si legisti librum explanationum...et sine nostro inuicem
dolore ludamus."); f. 256v (103); f. 257r (111); f. 257r (131);
f. 261v: Augustini ad hieronymum responsiua de anima. Scio animam ex
opere dei consistere et prorsus opus dei...nihil ibi
iam metuens respondebo. Ora pro me carissime frater.;
f. 261v (132); f. 264v (126); f. 265r (102); f. 265v (143); f. 266r (142);
f. 266r (101, 2.2-3); f. 266r (141); f. 266r (134); f. 266v (85);
f. 267r (97); f. 267v (27); f. 268r (40); f. 268v (37); f. 268v (24);
f. 269v (23); f. 270r (38); f. 270v (46); f. 273r (43, followed by 46.11-12);
f. 273v (30); f. 274v (29); f. 276r (28); f. 276v (34); f. 277v (42);
f. 278r (41); f. 278v (59); f. 279v (32); f. 279v (303); f. 281r (62);
f. 281r (47); f. 281v (357); f. 282v (70); f. 283v (72); f. 284v (74);
f. 285v (146); f. 286r (55, manuscript omits part 3: "Tertia id est...totus in
cunctis."); f. 287r (55.3); f. 287v (71); f. 288v (348); f. 288v (349);
f. 289r (99); f. 289r (219, with text ending abruptly in
commentary: "...comendatrices ad dominum litteras sumpserat.//");
f. 290v (75); f. 291v (76); f. 291v (5); f. 292r (4); f. 292v (145);
f. 292v (7); f. 293v (352); f. 293v (2); f. 294r (10); f. 294r (9);
f. 294v (6); f. 294v (17); f. 295r (8); f. 295v (12); f. 295v (11);
f. 296r (13); f. 296r (311); f. 297r (3); f. 297v (302); f. 299v (640);
f. 299r bis (903E); f. 313v (903A); f. 316v (903C, with leaf with text
missing between ff. 326 and 327: "...uidere cogi[tans] // romana
Parchment, ff. i (paper) + i (modern parchment title page) + iv
(contemporary parchment, art. 1) + 328 (contemporary foliation begins in
art. 2, 2-299, with leaves 1 and 9 missing; modern foliation 299
+ i (paper). 365 x 254 (242 x 154) mm. 43 long lines. Single vertical
bounding lines; ruled in pale brown ink or lead. Double rulings for each
line of text ruled in lead. Remains of prickings in upper and lower margins.
I 4 (art. 1; structure uncertain, but one leaf missing at end),
II (8 leaves foliated 2-8, 10), III-XXXIII 10, XXXIV 10 (ff. 319-328; structure
uncertain; leaf lost between 326-327).
Written in an upright humanistic script by a single scribe.
Three illuminated initials, 10- to 6-line, ff. 299r bis, 313v, 316v,
gold against blue, green and dark red ground with white vine-stem ornament
and pale yellow and white dots. Numerous small initials, 4- to 2-line,
gold, against blue, green and dark red rectangular grounds with yellow or white
filigree. The first leaf of art. 2, which was probably decorated with a border
and/or arms, has been excised. A 19th-century title page has been inserted at
the beginning: title is displayed in gold letters with black filigree against
rectangular grounds of blue, red and ochre with gold filigree and framed by a
full bar border, dark blue with geometric interlace, thickly
edged in red, accented with gold dots. For art. 1, numerous small flourished
initials, alternating red and blue with purple and red penwork. Headings
in pale red.
Binding: Italy, s. xix. Brown sheepskin, blind- and gold-tooled. Metal
corners and red, gold-tooled label: "Epistolae Divi Hieronimi." Yellow
edges. Name, now partially effaced, in gold on upper cover: "P. Paolino."
Written in Florence in the third quarter of the 15th century; early
provenance unknown. Various stains and corroded patches of parchment on
ff. i-iv suggest early ownership inscriptions have been effaced. Belonged
to P. Paolino, s. xix, whose name appears on upper cover and who presumably
rebound the volume and inserted the title page. "T. M." with "1" in a circle,
in pencil, on title page. Purchased from Sotheby's through Maggs Bros. of
London in 1958 by L. C. Witten (inv. no. 2057), who sold it in the same year
to Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: [table, f. ii:] Hieronymus
[text, f. 2:] mariam
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 87, no. 199.
Barbara A. Shailor