Marston MS 196 Germany, s. XV 2
Johannes Herolt, Sermones de tempore
1. f. 1r notes on provenance; f. 1v blank ff. 2r-21r
Indices: alphabetical index to the sermons of Johannes
Herolt, A-Y, ending Explicit tabulatura de tempore (ff. 2v-10v);
Nota infra de x preceptis, 7 peccatis et sacramentis (f. 11r-v); Saints and
feast days listed in the order of the calendar from De sancto
through De Sancta Cruce, ending Explicit Registrum de
(ff. 12r-14r); De dedicacione sermones tabule (f. 14v); Tabula per
Quadragesimam (ff. 14v-16v) Tabula siue registrum exemplorum
contentorum in sermonibus sequentibus secundum aliqualem ordinem
alphabeti Primo de abstinencia .2. exempla, from abstinencia through
yppocrita (ff. 16v-21r).
Index entries refer to sermons in art. 4 by numbers, and by letters that
indicate subdivisions of the text. All sermons are numbered in upper
margin and lettered in inner or outer margin, but numbering in text is
inconsistent or sometimes absent (cf. comments on art. 4).
2. ff. 21v-23r Articuli qui repellendi sunt a communione. Isti
infrascripti quos nominabo prohibebo a sacra communione eucaristie nisi
contriti et confessi fuerint...ut ipsi simplices homines addiscant per hoc
peccata sua cognoscere et ea confiteri Amen.
A system of indexing similar to that in art. 1 is used here, but less
3. f. 23r-v Inposicio crucis et absolucio [?]. Modus autem et signum
crucis huius modi affugendum quantus affixio ipsa eo conformius in
singulis ciuitatibus...pollicior augmentum In nomine patris et
filij...Amen. ff. 24r-25v ruled, but blank
4. ff. 27r-323v //arma lucis vnum quilibet peccator iam illo tempore sacro
debet a peccatis cessare et preterita peccata deplangere...[Sermo 2, f. 28r:]
Dominica prima aduentus. Hora est iam nos de sompno...[Rom. 13.11].
Boetius vnicuique viro bono inserta est naturalis cupiditas boni...Domine
filia mea modo defuncta est...[Mat. 9.18]. Videtur esse contraictas [?]
inter matheum et marcum Marcus enim dicit quod pater dixit...tunc non
audere ad talem virum venire. Sc. Expliciunt dicta discipuli.
Johannes Herolt ("Discipulus"), Sermones de tempore, beginning
imperfectly; some contemporary annotations throughout. Kaeppeli, SOPMA 2393.
See also comments on indexing in art. 1. Three different early hands have
numbered the sermons with conflicting sequences.
Paper (watermarks: several bull's heads including Piccard Ochsenkopf
V.636 and similar in design to V.305-13), ff. i (modern paper) + 322
(modern foliation, 1-323, omits 26) + i (modern paper), 311 x 215 (225 x 160)
mm. 2 columns, ca. 41 lines. Frame-ruled with single vertical (and sometimes
upper horizontal) bounding lines. Ruled in lead or ink.
Collation impossible due to tight binding; no quire marks or catchwords.
Written in hybrida script, perhaps by a single scribe.
Plain red initials, 3- to 2-line. Paragraph marks, initial strokes and
underlining in red; rubrics added sporadically.
Binding: Germany, s. xv. Sewn on four supports attached to wooden boards.
Covers lined with parchment documents; text side pasted down and illegible
(see also provenance).
Covered in white tawed skin with two fastenings, the catches on the
upper board. Remains of label with title on spine; traces of inscription
on upper board. Rebacked.
Written in Germany in the second half of the 15th century. Title and
ownership inscription, s. xvi in, on f. 1r indicates that the manuscript
was donated to the Charterhouse at Buxheim by Hilprand Brandenberg of Biberach
(d. 1514): "Titulus Sermones discipuli de Tempore" and below "Liber
Cartusiensis In Buchshaim prope Memingen proueniens a confratre nostri
domino hilprando Brandenbergense de Bibraco/ donatus sacerdote/ continens
ut supra/ Oretur pro eo et pro quibus desiderauit." The bookplate of
Hilprand Brandenberg (hand-colored woodcut of an angel holding a shield
representing his arms: an ox passant with a ring in its nose) is pasted
below the ownership inscription, to which the shelf-mark "CXXXI" was
added by a later hand. For other information on this donor
and books given by him to Buxheim see P. Ruf, ed., Mittelalterliche
Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz (Munich, 1932; reprinted
1970) v. 3.1, p. 82 (additional bibliography on the Charterhouse listed
on pp. 90-91) and P. Needham, "The Books of Hilprand Brandenberg," Twentieth
Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1981-1983, pp. 152-54,
401. Later inscription of Buxheim, s. xvii, in upper margin, f. 2r: "Aulae B.
Mariae Virginis." Pen-trials, s. xv-xvi, on back pastedown include the names
Hans Jacob von Vadmen and Johannes Schwencz. Buxheim was
suppressed in 1803; its books passed to the Count of Ostein and then to the
Counts of Waldbott-Bassenheim. Unidentified "421" on large
paper tag, on spine. "No 51" in circle and "L. B. 1019" in pencil on front
pastedown; "21655" in pencil on back pastedown. Purchased in 1956 from
Bernard Quaritch of London by L. C. Witten (inv. no. 1158), who sold it in
1958 to Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: uolenti
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 86, no. 196.
Barbara A. Shailor