Marston MS 194 Low Countries, s. XIV 1
Gregory IX, Decretales
1. f. 1 = pastedown, ruled, but blank; ff. 2r-82v [prologue:]
[Gregorius] Episcopus seruus seruorum dei dilectis filiis.
doctoribus et scolaribus vniuersis parisius commorantibus salutem
et apostolicam benedictionem. [R]ex pacificus pia miseratione
disposuit sibi subditos...facere absque auctoritate sedis
apostolice speciali. [text:] Innocentius iij. in concilio
generali. [F]irmiter credimus et simpliciter confitemur quod
vnus solus est uerus deus...iudicandi seu arbitri. de hac causa
Gregory IX, Decretales, ending imperfectly in Bk. I, tit.
41, cap. 9. A. Friedberg, ed., Corpus iuris canonici, Pars
secunda, Decretalium Collectiones (Leipzig, 1922) v. 2, cols. 1-228.
The text is arranged symmetrically in the center of each page, but
lacks any rubrics, decorative initials, running headings or
commentary as are usually found in similar canon law manuscripts.
Parchment (fuzzy), ff. 82 (modern foliation includes front
pastedown), 450 x 307 (212 x 124) mm. 2 columns, 35 long lines.
Single vertical bounding lines. Ruled faintly in ink with text
rulings in column spaces only. Prickings in upper, lower, and
outer margins.
I 10 (1 = front pastedown), II-IV 10, V 12, VI-VIII 10. Quires
signed with Roman numerals along lower edge, near gutter.
Written in bold gothic bookhand, below top line.
Spaces for decorative initials and rubrics remain unfilled.
Binding: Place uncertain, s. xv. The backs of the quires are
cut in to mark the sewing stations. Original sewing on five supports
laced through tunnels in the edge to channels on the outside of beech
boards, back inside and wedged. The endband cores are laced into the
boards and pegged. The boards are flush and square.
Covered in cream colored tawed skin with traces of two
strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the upper boards. Title written
in contemporary hand on upper board: "liber decretalium sine glosa
non completus."
Written in the Low Countries in the first half of the 14th century;
both the text and decoration of the codex were never finished.
Provenance unknown. Remains of three unidentified labels on spine.
In pencil on back pastedown: "B/335/S75 = [?]." Purchased in 1956
from A. L. van Gendt of the Netherlands by L. C. Witten
(inv. no. 1044), who sold it in 1958 to Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: sacerdos qui
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 86, no. 194.
Barbara A. Shailor