Marston MS 192 Belgium, s. XII med-3/4
Gregory the Great, Homiliae XL in Evangelia
ff. 1r-167v In nomine domini nostri ihesu christi atque salvatoris. in
hoc uolumine continentur omelie sancti gregorii. numero. xl. in christi
nomine incipit epistola domini gregorii pape ad episcopum tauromenitanum.
[preface:] Reuerentissimo et sanctissimo fratri secundino episcopo,
Gregorius seruus seruorum dei. Inter sacra missarum sollempnia ex his
que diebus certis in hac ecclesia legi ex more solent, sancti euangelij
quadraginta lectiones exposui...unde in his que emendate sunt certiores
fiant. Explicit epistola. [table of contents, f. 1v:] Incipiunt capitula
omeliarum. Omelia sancti euuangelij secundum Lucam. In illo tempore,
Dixit ihesus...xx. Omelia sancti euuangelii secundum Lucam. Anno xv.
imperij tyberij cesaris procurante pontio pilato iudeam. Expliciunt.
[f. 2r:] Lectio sancti euuangelii secundum Lucam. capitula.
Capitulum. .i. In illo tempore, Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis. Erunt
signa in sole et luna et stellis...[Luc. 21.25]. Omelia lectionis
eiusdem beati Gregorij pape. habita ad populum in basilica sancti Petri
apostoli. Dominus ac redemptor noster paratos nos inuenire desiderans.
senescentem mundum que mala sequantur denuntiat...[f. 72v:] quam superne
misericordie pignus tenemus. Expliciunt omelie euangelorum numero. xx.
in prima parte. [table:] Incipiunt capitula secunda. Omelia sancti
euangelii secundum Marcum. xxi. In illo tempore. Maria magdalene.
et maria iacobi...xl. Dixit ihesus discipulis suis. Homo quidam erat
diues et induebatur purpura et. Secundum Lucam. [f. 73r:] Incipiunt
omelie que maiores uocantur. numero uiginti. dominica sancta in pascha.
Lectio sancti euangelij, secundum marcum. capitulum .i. In illo
tempore, Maria magdalene. et maria iacobi...[Mark 16.1]. Omelia
lectionis eiusdem beati Gregorii pape, habita ad populum in basilica
sancte marie die sancto pasche. Multis uobis lectionibus fratres
karissimi per dictatum loqui consueui, sed quia lassescente stomacho...
[concludes in Sermo XL:] Sed hec omnipotens deus que per me in
uestris auribus loquitur. per se in uestris mentibus loquatur,//
A later hand, s. xvii-xviii, has completed the text by adding the
formulaic ending: qui uiuit et regnat cum patre in vnitate spiritus
sancti deus. per omnia secula seculorum amen. Explicit omelia.
Gregory the Great, Homeliae XL in Evangelia, ending imperfectly
and missing text in Sermo XXVI (between ff. 138-139): "...quia
nonumquam ipsi qui ei per fidem sub- // perceperat. prodige expendit,
postquam esurire cepit..."; PL 76.1075-1312.
Parchment, ff. v (paper) + 167 + v (paper), 291 x 187 (214 x 130)
mm. Written in 27 long lines. Single vertical and double horizontal
(for lines 1, 3, 25, 27) bounding lines. Ruled in lead. Prickings in
lower margin.
I-XVII 8, XVIII 8 (-3, 4 between ff. 138-139), XIX-XXI 8, XXII 2
(-2, with loss of text). Quires signed with Roman numerals surrounded
by dots and with abbreviation stroke for -us, center of lower margin,
Written in an elegant late caroline minuscule script.
One large initial, f. 1r, 8-line, in red ink, filled with stylized
scrolls issuing from the mouth of a fantastic bird. 5-line incipit,
f. 1r, in rows of majuscules: red, red, black, green, red. Numerous
other initials, 7- to 4-line, in blue, red or green, some with stylized
leaf terminals and interior arabesque designs on parchment ground.
Small initials, 1-line, alternate blue, red, and green for tables of
contents. Headings (often crowded into inadequate space left by scribe)
and running headlines in red.
Upper corner of f. 75 torn affecting text; many leaves neatly
Binding: Broadway, Worcestershire, England, 1911, by Katherine
Adams (fl. 1901-45; note of Sir Sydney Cockerell on back pastedown).
Green goatskin with gold-tooling on the turn-ins and gold-tooled title
on spine: "Gregorii/ Magni/ Homiliae/ XL de/ Diuersis/ Evangelii/
Lectionibus" and "MS. Saec. XII."
Written in the middle to third-quarter of the 12th century at the
Cistercian abbey of Villars, founded in 1146 in the diocese of Liege;
although the manuscript was rebound while in the possession of Sir
Sydney Cockerell, inscriptions from its earlier binding have been pasted
inside the back cover: "Villarie" (s. xvi); "Ad Villarium [remainder
illegible]" (s. xvii-xviii); "462" (s. xviii-xix). Marston MS 192 can
perhaps be identified with the "Omelie beati Gregorii pape" listed in
an early 14th-century catalogue of the abbey published by H. Schuermans,
"Bibliotheque de l'Abbaye de Villers," Annales de la Societe
archeologique et folklorique de Nivelles... 6 (1898) p. 202. The
manuscript was still being used during the 15th-16th centuries when
certain passages were marked in the margin "In refectorio" and accents
were added to the text to aid pronunciation (e.g., f. 20r). Belonged to
Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6932); Phillipps sale (Sotheby's, 30 April 1903)
to Quaritch from whom it was acquired in September 1907 by Sir Sydney
Cockerell who then signed and dated it after it was rebound:
"Sydney C. Cockerell/Cambridge/ Aug. 20 1911." When Cockerell bought the
volume the Gregory text was bound with Ps.-Origen, Homilia de lectione
Maria stabat monumentum (6 ff.), in what Cockerell described as a
"shabby brown calf of the 18th century with brass rim and clasp
lettered HOMELIA D. Gregory" [note on front pastedown]; for a
description of the Ps-Origen manuscript see H. P. Kraus, Cat. 165
Cimelia, 1983, no. 36. Sold privately by Cockerell on 21 February
1957 to Dawson's. For more information on Cockerell's collection see
C. de Hamel, "Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts from the Library
of Sir Sydney Cockerell (1867-1962)," The British Library Journal
13.2 (1987) pp. 186-210 (Marston MS 192 listed on p. 201, no. 53).
Purchased in 1958 from C. A. Stonehill (inv. no. 10498) by Thomas E.
Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: In illo
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 86, no. 192.
Leclercq, 1961, pp. 163-64.
Barbara A. Shailor