Marston MS 181 Rome [?], 1456
Cicero, De divinatione
1. ff. 1r-57r //arbitrati eorum decem interpretes delectos ex ciuitate
esse uoluerunt. ex quo genere sepe ariolorum etiam...Mihi uero inquit
nihil potest esse iucundius. Que quom essent dicta surreximus. Amen.
Laus. Deo. Marci Tulij Ciceronis liber de diuinatione explicit.
M. cccclvi.
Cicero, De divinatione; W. Ax, ed., Teubner fasc. 46 (1938) pp. 2-129.
First folio excised; only stub remains. Marginalia by a
contemporary hand, mostly proper names taken from text for easy reference;
a few variant readings (e.g., f. 2r "est" in text, "sit" in margin) and
other miscellaneous notes. Spaces left unfilled where Greek words occur.
2. f. 57r-v [List of abbreviations:] A. Aulus. P.C.Q.R. populo
Carthaginensi quis resistet. S.P.Q.R. Senatus populusque romanus.
C. Caius. R.P. res publica...Coss. design. Consules designati. D. Dijs.
M. Manibus. S. Sacrum. f. 58r-v ruled, but blank
Parchment (warped and stained by moisture), ff. v (paper) + 58 + i
(paper), 193 x 131 (131 x 79) mm. 30 long lines. Double vertical bounding
lines in outer margin and single in inner (Derolez 13.21); apparently ruled
in hard point on hair side and traced in lead on flesh side. Text rulings
in light brown ink. Prickings in upper and lower margins (Derolez 18.2),
and two single prickings in outer margin 2 mm. above upper and below lower
rulings for text.
I 10 (-1), II-V 10, VI 10 (-9, blank). Horizontal catchwords in center
of lower margin (Derolez 12.1). Remains of leaf signatures (e.g., 1, 2, 3,
4, 5) in lower right corner, recto.
Written in a small humanistic bookhand by a single scribe, above top
line. Marginalia added in a contemporary hand.
One illuminated initial, 6-line, on f. 28r, gold against blue, green
and deep red ground with white vine-stem ornament, joined to a partial
border, white vine-stem ornament curling around a thin gold bar on blue,
green and deep red ground with white dots on blue, grey on red and pale
yellow on green. Headings and running titles (L or Liber on verso [for
last leaf in gathering only]; Roman numeral for book number on adjacent
recto) in red.
Binding: Italy, s. xix. Brick red goatskin, blind-tooled. Bound in
the same bindery for the Guarnieri-Balleani library (Iesi) as MS 450 and
Marston MSS 72, 86, 182, 212.
Copied in Italy, perhaps in Rome, in 1456 (see colophon in art. 1) by
the humanist Stefano Guarnieri probably for his personal use; it is not
as attractively produced as some others in his collection (for manuscripts
either copied, annotated or owned by him, see catalogue entries for Beinecke
MS 450, Index V of this volume under Guarnieri-Balleani Library, as well as
C. Annibaldi, L'Agricola e la Germania di Cornelio Tacito [Iesi, 1907])
pp. 4-10). From the Guarnieri-Balleani Library at Iesi (see binding).
Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1959 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: arbitrati
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 84, no. 181.
Barbara A. Shailor