Marston MS 163 Northern Italy, s. XV 3/4
St. Antoninus, Summa moralis
1. ff. Ir-IIr [Preface:] Incipit prohemium super presenti opere. Quam
magnificata sunt opera tua domine omnia in sapientia fecisti impleta est
terra...[Ps. 91.6]. Contemplatus propheta in excelsu mentis
positus diuinam maiestatem...frequenter non curaui nominare.
Preface to St. Antoninus of Florence, Summa moralis; Bloomfield,
Virtues and Vices, no. 4355; see also art. 3.
2. ff. IIv-Vr Incipit tabula super prima parte presentis operis que est
de peccatis in genere contentiua titulorum. Capitulorum. et cet. Prima
pars presentis operis habet titulos quattuor. Primus est de legis qui habet
Capitula octo. 1. De diffinicione legis et de lege eterna/ 2. De lege
naturali./...6. De decimis. Tabula super secunda parte que est de peccatis in
specie. Secunda pars presentis operis habet titulos duodicim
Primus est de auaricia qui habet capitula 23. 1. De symonia/ 2. De
usuris./...De mercatoribus et alijs artificibus. [f. IIIr:] Tertia tabula
super parte. que est de statibus hominum. Tercia pars huius operis que est
de quibusdam statibus hominum habet titulos xij. Primus de coniugatis qui
habet capitula. x. 1. De ipso matrimonio quo ad eius diffinicionem./...De
summo pontifice siue de papa. [f. IVr:] Tabula quarta super parte. que est
de censuris. Quarta pars presentis operis. que est de censuris./...Sextus
titulus est de peccatis in genere. qui tantum habet vnum capitulum. Explicit
tabula super toto opere. f. V verso ruled, but blank
Four tables, the first two of which have folio references to art. 3
added by a contemporary hand. Tables III and IV may refer to a second
volume, never completed or now missing.
3. ff. 1r-250r Incipit prima pars presentis operis intitulata de peccatis
in generali. Rubrica. titulus primus de legibus. Quia peccatum est debitum
uel factum uel concupitum contra legem eternum. et ambrosius dicit quod
peccatum est transgressio legis diuine...Et sic est finis prime partis.
[f. 56r:] Incipit secunda pars. titulus primus. Sermo predicabilis de
symonia editus a uenerabili patre fratre Antonio de florentia. Deus
deorum dominus locutus est. et uocauit eram. Ps. deus deorum dominus.
est uerus deus qui est dominus sanctorum...[f. 249r:] ut bestialiter uiuentes
aliquando etiam bestialiter moriantur. Et sic est finis huius secunde partis.
[colophon:] Explicit secunda pars presentis operis per me Iohannem
ardellum de stauolis Laudetur deus. [followed by a passage omitted from
f. 155v] ff. 250v-251v ruled, but blank
St. Antoninus of Florence, Summa moralis (extracts on sins, virtues
and vices arranged thematically, e.g., in Pars secunda, titulus
De symonia, De usuris, De uariis [for denariis] montis florencie,
De rapina, De furto...De inhumanitate, De auaricia mentis, De prodigalitate);
Kaeppeli, SOPMA, v. 1, no. 239 (listed as "New Haven, Yale Univ. Libr.,
Reinecke [sic] Libr., Marston 163 [xv]: compendium part. I [?]").
Paper (watermarks, buried in tight binding: unidentified flower),
ff. 256 (first five leaves: modern foliation, I-V; art. 3: contemporary
foliation 1-250; f. 251 unfoliated) + 28 (modern paper; see
provenance below), 233 x 165 (189 x 110) mm. 2 columns, 48 lines. Single
vertical bounding lines, ruled in lead; text rulings drawn faintly in ink
(Derolez 13.41). Single pricking in outer margin, 44-46 mm. below top line.
I-XXV 10 (ff. I-V, 1-245), XXVI 6 [?]. Horizontal catchwords, some in
upright humanistic script, in lower margin under second column, for
quires I-XVII; remaining quires have vertical catchwords, with dots and
flourishes, along inner bounding line.
Written by multiple scribes in small informal styles of gothic bookhand
with humanistic features, below top line.
Decorative initials, 9- to 5-line, for main text divisions, blue with
red penwork designs (red much faded); headings, initials (5- to 3-line),
paragraph marks in bright red; initial strokes in yellow.
Binding: Northern Italy, s. xvii-xviii. Resewn and bound in alum tawed
pigskin, blind-tooled. Lower board cut in for the strap. The boards and
cover are probably early (s. xv) and reworked and reshaped to fit the text
block, given the large number of later blank leaves inserted at end of text
and the way the text block appears to have been trimmed at the tail and the new
endbands added. In addition, the title written twice, s. xv, on upper cover
("Rationale diuinorum offitiorum" of Guilielmus Durandus) does not
correspond to the present text. Title, written in ink, on a square paper
label on spine mutilated and largely illegible. Strip of liturgical
manuscript with musical notation, s. xv?, used as spine lining.
Written in Northern Italy in the third quarter of the 15th century probably
as the first of a two-volume set (see art. 2); signed by the scribe,
Johannes Ardellus de Stavolis (colophon, art. 3), who remains unidentified.
Contemporary inscription in upper margin of f. 1r reveals that the
manuscript was given by Benignus of Genoa for the use of Sanctus of
Milan at the convent of Santa Maria Incoronata in Milan: "Sancte
Marie Incoronate Mediolani ad usum fratris Sancti de Mediolano, frater
B[enignus] de I[anua] V[icarius] G[eneralis]." (We thank M. Ferrari for her
assistance with this early provenance.) Benignus de Ianua, as Vicar General
OESA Lom., was in Milan in 1471 (see document edited by M. L. Gatti Perer,
"Umanesimo a Milano: L'osservanza agostiniana all'Incoronata,"
Arte Lombarda N. S. 53-54 [1980] pp. 106, 166); other manuscripts given
ad usum by him include Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana G 35 sup., H 19 sup.,
M 39 sup., and Cremona, Gov. 182 (see M. Ferrari, "Un bibliotecaio milanese
del Quattrocento," Ricerche storiche sulla Chiesa Ambrosiana 10 [1981]
p. 243). Two documents list Frater Sanctus de Mediolano among the chapter
members in the convent of Santa Maria Incoronata in 1471 and 1474
(Gatti Perer, op. cit., pp. 166, 173). Belonged to the Franciscan convent
at Bolzano in the Italian Alps where it was presumably rebound (s.
xvii-xviii; see binding description); bookplate of the convent pasted
inside front cover; oval paper label on spine: "Z/ 210/ (1494)." Unidentified
notes on front pastedown include: "Q-G. 86" (inscription contemporary with
binding?) in ink; "Br 18/10/39 W. V." in pencil; "No 26" in pencil.
Unidentified description, in English, from sale catalogue (lot 431) pasted
inside front cover. Purchased in 1958 from C. A. Stonehill (inv. no.
21582) by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: omnia doctores
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 82, no. 163.
Barbara A. Shailor