Marston MS 155 Bologna, ca. 1325
Boniface VIII, Sextus Liber Decretalium, etc.
1. ff. 1r-95v [Main text in center of page:] Bonifacius episcopus seruus
seruorum dei dilectus filijs doctoribus et scolaribus
uniuersis...benedictionem. [prologue:] Sacrosancte romane ecclesie quam
imperscrutabilis diuine prouidentie...pro decretalibus habituri. [text;
f. 2r:] De summa trinitate et fide catholica. Rubrica. Fideli ac
deuota professione fatemur...Certum est quod is committit in legem qui
legis uerba complectens contra legis nititur uoluntatem. [colophon:]
Data rome apud sanctum petrum quinto nonas martij pontificatus nostri
anno iiij. Deo Gracias.
Boniface VIII, Sextus liber decretalium, missing several leaves (see
collation) and with final leaf (now foliated 96) misbound between ff.
93-94. E. Friedberg, ed., Corpus iuris canonici, Pars secunda, Decretalium
Collectiones (Leipzig, 1922) v. 2, cols. 933-1124. Text of arts. 1 and 2
accompanied by interlinear and marginal glosses in one main hand.
2. ff. 1r-95v [Commentary surrounding text; rubric in later hand, s. xv,
written around decorative initial:] Iohannis Andree Doctoris Apparatus super
6#o libro Decretalium. [text:] Quia preposterus est ordo prius humana
subsidia petere ut illis...labores meos offeram. iam licet nouiter
inchoactos. Io. [colophon on f. 93v, see art 1 above:] Explicit
apparatus domini johannis. Amen. Andree super sexto libro decretalium. Quis
scripsit scribat sempper [?] cum domino uiuat. viuat in celis in nomine felix.
Commentary of Joannes Andreae on art. 1; numerous printed editions,
GKW, v. 4, nos. 4848-87 and thereafter.
3. ff. 1r-22r [New foliation; preface:] Iohannes episcopus seruus
seruorum dei dilectis filijs doctoribus et scolaribus vniuersis bononie
conmorantibus salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Quoniam nulla iuris
sanctio...usuri de cetero in iudiciis et in scolis. Data auinione.
kalendas. nouembris pontificatus nostri anno secundo. [text:] De summa
trinitate et fide catholica. Clemens quintus in concilio vienensi. Fidei
catholice fundamento preter quod teste apostolo...non erit processus propter
hoc irritus nec eciam irritandus. [colophon:] Expliciunt constitutiones
domini pape clementis. v. edite in concilio vianenci [sic]. amen.
Clemens V, Constitutiones, with preface of John XXII; Friedberg,
op. cit., cols. 1129-1200. Text accompanied by modest interlinear and
marginal notes.
4. f. 22v [I]ohannes episcopus seruus seruorum dei...memoriam. quia
nonnumquam quod coniectura profuturum credidit subsequens experiencia...et
patulo iuditio publicabunt. Data Auinione kalendas Aprilis pontificatus
nostri Anno sexto.
John XXII, "Quia nonnunquam;" J. Tarrant, ed., Extravagantes Iohannis
XXII, Monumenta iuris canonici, Series B: Corpus collectionum, v. 6
(Vatican City, 1983) pp. 217-21.
Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 118 (modern foliation 1-96, 1-22) + i
(paper), 450 x 275 (written space: 415 x 235 mm. for ff. 1r-96v with gloss, ca.
260 x 175 mm. for ff. 97r-114v). Art. 1 written in two columns with a maximum
of 47 lines of text and with 88 lines of gloss; art. 2 written in 2 columns of
33-55 lines. Double vertical and horizontal bounding lines full across for
gloss, single bounding lines for text. Ruled in hard point, ink and lead.
I-II 10, II 10 (-9), IV-VIII 10, IX 8 (quire X missing), XI 8 (+ 1 leaf,
f. 96, misbound between ff. 93-94), XII-XIII 10, XIII 2. Quire signatures,
Arabic numerals, in upper left corner, recto. Remains of decorated catchwords,
lower edge near gutter, verso.
Folios 1-96 written in littera bononiensis; ff. 1-22 written in a
less formal Gothic bookhand. Numerous annotations in the margins
by contemporary and later hands.
Two miniatures, f. 1r, an enthroned pope holding an open book and
symmetrically flanked by ecclesiastical and secular parties,
and f. 96r, a Franciscan monk presenting a book to an enthroned pope with
clerical and lay attendants. A similar composition to f. 1r is frequently
encountered in Bolognese manuscripts of canon law (see Exhibition
p. 204, no. 30). Full border for text on f. 1r, constructed of solid panels,
gold and red with white filigree, filled with two karyatid figures, a cleric,
and a man in a blue robe. Partial border in lower margin, 3 medallions in blue,
pink and red, with a papal portrait in half length, an angel, and a third
subject now effaced. The medallions are connected by lozenges, green, blue
and red with scrolling vines in blue, red, and green with white filigree
and gold dots (cf. G. Canova, "Nuovi contributi alle serie liturgica degli
antifonari de S. Domenico in Bologna," La miniatura italiana in eta romanica
e gotica [Atti del I Congresso di storia della miniatura italiana, Cortona,
26-28 March 1978], figs. 1-3). 32 marginal figures in various costumes, among
them several clerics, knights and an angel, often in animated poses. Numerous
illuminated initials, 6- to 3-line in pink, blue or grey on blue, red,
pink and gold grounds with white filigree. Foliage serifs in pink, red,
grey and blue with white highlights. 39 initials with bust-length
figures. Remaining initials in pink and red with white filigree (cf. S.
Pettenti, "Alcuni codici Bolognese de XIII secolo della Biblioteca Nazionale di
Torino," op. cit., pp. 327-42, fig. 2). The style of the decoration is
characteristic for Bologna in the early 14th century and can be compared
to Rome, Vat. lat. 1375, ascribed to Jacopino da Reggio and a group of
canon law manuscripts, among them Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale XII. A. I.
Calligraphic initials, alternating in red and blue with blue and red
penwork scrolls. Plain initials and paragraph marks alternate in red and
Binding: Italy, s. xv [?]. Limp vellum case, restored.
Written in Bologna ca. 1325; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Sir Thomas
Phillipps (no. 13625; tag on spine, number written in pencil on front
pastedown and flyleaf); his acquisition from Boone in 1853 (pencil note).
Purchased in 1957 from H. P. Kraus (pencil notes on back pastedown) by Thomas
E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: [du]bia deciduntur
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 81, no. 155.
Exhibition Catalogue, p. 204, no. 30.
The Medieval Book, pp. 30, 34, no. 31 with pl. of f. 70v.
Barbara A. Shailor