Marston MS 127 Italy or Southern France, s. XIII med
Raymundus de Pennaforte, Summa de poenitentia et matrimonio, etc.
1. front flyleaf, verso: recipe for a digestive; list of bodily parts
where food is digested; recipe for an upset stomach; texts written primarily
in Latin with some Italian interspersed.
2. ff. 1r-129r Incipit summam magister R. de penitentia. [prologue:]
Quoniam ut ait ieronimus secunda post naufragium tabula est culpam
simpliciter [con erased ?]fiteri...[list of chapters:] De simonia...de
sepulturis. [text, f. 1v:] de symonia. Quoniam inter crimina ecclesiastica
symoniaca heresis obtinet primum locum...id est voluptarias uero perdit sicut
ibi dicitur. [one line erased]
Raymundus de Pennaforte, Summa de poenitentia et matrimonio (Libri
I-IV). For preface see Jerome, Epistola 84 Pammachio et Oceano; PL 22.748.
For text see Raymundus de Peniafort, Summa de poenitentia et matrimonio
cum glossis Ioannis de Friburgo (Rome, 1603; repr. Farnborough, 1967) pp.
1-502, an edition closer to the medieval text than S. Raimundus de Pennaforte,
Summa de Paenitentia, ed. X. Ochoa et A. Diez (Rome, 1976). Each book
preceded by a list of chapters; a later hand has added notes and
some subject headings in upper right corner.
3. ff. 129r-132v [Heading erased.] Gregorius viijjus [?]. [1.6.49] Cum in
magistrum...; [1.6.59] Si alicuius...; [1.11.16] Consultationi tue...;
[1.11.17] Quesitum est...[5.27.10] Si quem sub...; [5.36.60] Pueris qui...rigor
sit mansuetudine temperandus.
61 selections from the Decretales of Gregory IX compiled by Raymundus
de Pennaforte; H. Boese, "Ueber die kleine Sammlung Gregorianischer
Dekretalen des Raymundus de Penyafort O. P.," Archivum Fratrum
42 (1972) pp. 69-80 (Marston MS 127 = Y).
4. ff. 132v-135v De excommunicatione qualiter fieri debeatur. Scis uel
credis uel fama est. episcopum uel aliquem clericum ciuitatis uel dyocesis
fecisse...; De tribus modis eligendi. Tres sunt forme que sunt in
electionibus obseruande....
Unidentified text[s?] on canon law.
5. ff. 135v-138v De quibusdam dubitabilibus. Dilectis in christo fratribus
I. priori de ordine fratrum predicatorum...Postulastis per sedem apostolicam
edoceri. quid in subsequentibus tenere articulis debeatis...ut insoluatur
precium emptetrice ad opus cymiterii. Deo gracias.
Raymundus de Pennaforte, Dubitalia cum responsionibus (Responsio
canonica); S. Kuttner, Repertorium der Kanonistik (1140-1234)
Studi e Testi 71 (Vatican City, 1937) pp. 446-47.
6. f. 138v De negligentiis uel omissionibus que circa missam solent
contingere qualiter de hiis sit agendum...;Si uinum non miscetur...; Si musca
uel aranea in calicem ceciderit...; [concluding:] Si sanguis in calice
congeletur...non ualet solidum transglutire. Explicit. deo gracias. Amen.
Summe scriptorem. benedic rogo te creatorem.
Unidentified text dealing primarily with defects in the performance
of the mass.
Parchment, ff. i (early parchment flyleaf) + 138 (medieval foliation
i-l begins on f. 2), 168 x 114 (120 x 75) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Double
outer and single inner vertical bounding lines with an additional ruling
between columns. Single upper horizontal ruling. Ruled in lead or
crayon. Remains of prickings in upper, lower and outer margins.
I-VIII 12, IX 16, X-XI 12, XIII 2. Remains of catchwords along lower
edge, verso.
Written in small gothic bookhand, below top line.
Fine flourished initial, 5-line, divided red and blue, with penwork
designs in both colors and long marginal tail of letter Q, f. 1r. Smaller
flourished initials incorporating the heads of bird-like grotesques and
cross-hatching designs. 1-line initials alternate red and blue for
chapter lists. Paragraph marks and running headlines in red and blue. Rubrics
throughout; instructions for rubricator along outer edges of leaves, some
perpendicular to text.
Binding: Place and date uncertain. The covers are wanting but were
probably of limp vellum. Original sewing on twisted tawed skin, slit ribbons,
the sewing beaded in the center. A fragment of a parchment bifolium from
a 14th-century breviary (the outer part of the leaf that was against the binding
now rubbed and illegible; the inner portion contains text of the office
for Saturdays at matins according to Roman use) is glued to the
spine and cut out for the sewing supports; a portion of the fragment extends
along the front and back of the text block.
Written in Italy or Southern France in the middle of the 13th century;
provenance otherwise unknown. Purchased from Enzo Ferrajoli in Geneva in 1957
by L. C. Witten (inv. no. 1626), who sold it the same year to Thomas E.
Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: cautio
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 79, no. 127.
Barbara A. Shailor