Marston MS 118 England, s. XIV med
Hugo Ripelin, Compendium theologicae veritatis
pp. 1-205 [Prologue:] Ueritatis theologice sublimacio cum superni sit
splendoris radius illuminans intellectum...opusculum compilaui. [text:]
Quod deus est. Deum esse multis modis ostenditur. hoc enim fides
testatur...sed merita recipiet sine fine. Explicit liber .7. pp.
206-208 contain numerous notes, mostly illegible
Composed by Hugo Ripelin (Hugh of Strassburg), this text has been
sometimes erroneously attributed to Albertus Magnus, Bonaventure or
Thomas Aquinas; for numerous manuscripts and printed editions see Bloomfield,
Virtues and Vices, 6399 (Marston MS cited on p. 551). Text edited by
S. Borgnet, Alberti Magni...opera omnia v. 34 (Paris, 1895) pp. 1-261.
Marston MS 118 has been annotated throughout by at least two contemporary
Parchment (poor quality), ff. vii (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment)
+ 104 (medieval pagination 1-208) + vii (paper), 168 x 110 (130 x 81) mm.
34 long lines. Single inner and double outer vertical bounding lines,
full length; additional vertical ruling in outer margin. Ruled in crayon.
Prickings in upper and lower margins.
I-VIII 12, IX 12 (-9 through 12). Horizontal catchwords right of center
along lower edge, verso.
Written in small gothic bookhand, below top line. Marginal notes in
anglicana scripts.
Flourished initials, 14- to 5-line, primarily blue with red and/or
parchment designs (including circles), mark beginning of each book. Many
blue initials with modest red penwork designs, 5- to 2-line. Headings in
red. Paragraph marks alternate red and blue. Guide letters for decorator.
Binding: England, s. xix in. Brown, diced calf, gold-tooled.
Written in England in the middle of the 14th century. Belonged to the
Carmelite convent in Stamford, England (ownership inscriptions, now
erased, but partially visible under ultra-violet light; press-mark "H 30;"
table of contents on original front flyleaf suggest codex may have originally
contained additional texts: "Thomas de veritatibus/
Cum alijs paruis cronicis de creatione mundi/ Cum tractatu fundacionis
religionis/ Cum alijs". See N. R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great
2nd ed., (London, 1964) p. 182, and A. G. Watson, Supplement to the second
edition (London, 1987) p. 64. Belonged to Radulph Sneyd (d.1703); inscription,
s. xvi, on original front flyleaf: "Liber Radulphi Sneydo [?] Iuris Vtriusque
Doctoris pro quo Libro soluit ij d." From the collection of the Rev. Walter
Sneyd; his sale (Sotheby's, 19 Dec. 1903, no. 777). Inscription and
shelf-mark of E. H. W. Meyerstein, Esq., who acquired the manuscript from
Leighton in 1925; Meyerstein sale (Sotheby's, 15 Dec. 1952, no. 20).
Miscellaneous modern pencil notes concerning the attribution of the text,
etc., on f. ii recto. Acquired from C. A. Stonehill (inv. nos. 10644 and
1931) in 1952 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: caracteribus
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 78, no. 118.
Barbara A. Shailor