Marston MS 73 Italy, s. XV 3/4
Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, It. tr.
ff. 1r-126v [Preface:] Meritamente sono obligati gli huomini di douere
rendere grandissime gratie agli scriptori...antichi tenpi discriuerremo.
[text, f. 5v:] [L]a prima generatione degli huomini apresso a doctissimi
et prestantissimi philosophi...e scripse molte altre cose d'india delle
quali innanci non sera auto cognitione alcuna. ff. 127r-129v ruled, but
Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I (parts 1 and 2)-II, in an
unidentified and freely adapted Italian translation (e.g., the opening portion
of Book II is greatly abbreviated). Corrections and additions were carefully
made by the scribe over erasures or in gaps. According to J. Monfasani (letter
on file), Florence, Bibl. Naz., MS Magl. XXIII, 46 contains the same
anonymous Italian translation, but with Latin marginalia and comments on
the Greek original. This Italian translation was compared with the Greek
text in F. Vogel, ed., Teubner (1887) pp. 2-226.
Parchment, ff. i (contemporary parchment) + 129, 213 x 141 (151 x 84)
mm. Written in 29 long lines. ff. 1-70: double vertical bounding
lines (Derolez 13.31), ruled in ink, single prickings in outer margin 5 mm.
below bottom ruling for text; ff. 71-128: double vertical and horizontal
bounding lines (Derolez 13.36), ruled in hard point on hair side.
I-XII 10, XIII 10 (-10, blank). Vertical catchwords with dots and
flourishes before and after, between inner bounding lines (Derolez 12.5),
Written in an elegant, upright mercantesca script by a single scribe,
below top line.
Spaces for headings and decorative initials remain unfilled. Initial
on f. 1r later addition.
Binding: Italy. s. xv. Sewn on four tawed skin, slit straps nailed
in channels on the outside of wooden boards. Yellow edges. Pink, green
and cream endbands sewn on five cores.
Covered in dark red goatskin with corner tongues, blind-tooled with a
central ornament in a panel bordered with rope interlace in concentric
frames. Two fastenings, leaf-shaped catches on the lower board and the
upper board cut in for the clasp straps. Rebacked twice.
Written in Italy in the third quarter of the 15th century; early
provenance unknown. Belonged to Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali
(1651-1737; bookstamp on f. 1r; C. Eubel, et al., eds., Hierarchia
catholica medii et recentioris aevi [Regensburg, 1925; reprinted Padua,
1952] v. 5, p. 17). Marston MS 73 cited in G. Fontanini, Bibliotheca
Josephi Renati Imperialis... (Rome, 1711) p. 155. Unidentified shelf-marks or
price codes include "73" in ink on front pastedown; "$5DDD$1/ III/ S [or 5?] 7"
in ink on f. i recto (a similar shelf-mark occurs in Beinecke MS 156); and "871" in pencil on f. i recto.
Acquired through the Anderson Auction Company, New York (12-13 April 1915,
no. 168) by the medical historian Dr. Edward Clark Streeter (1874-1947;
note, in ink, on front pastedown: "40. N. Y. '15"). Purchased from
L. C. Witten in 1955 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: gloria
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, pp. 72-73, no. 73.
Barbara A. Shailor