Marston MS 40 Italy, s. XIII med
Uguccione Pisano, Derivationes
I. 1. ff. 1r-9r [Introduction:] Ut partes quasdam que in summa
Vgucionis sub figura dissimili ab alia que incipiunt continentur
possit quis reperire facilius breuem hanc tabulam deo prestante
compegimus que de multis absque graui labore...[table:] Abreuio.
as. c. bracos/ Abdo is. e. co [?]/ Abdomen g. hostio/...Xirofagus.
fagin [sic]/ Xiromirrum. f. amarus.
Alphabetical table of words discussed in art. 5 within the entries
for other words; arranged in three columns, each of which is divided
into three more columns: the word to be located, followed by a letter
of the alphabet (a-g) to indicate where within the entry the reader
should look, followed by the main entry. For example, to find
abreuio, the reader must locate the entry for bracos. The
letters a through g are not, however, listed in the text
proper; the reader must calculate the approximate location of the
desired word.
2. f. 9r Vgutio dicor sine quo non rite docetur/ Si careat doctor,
me quisque cimera nocetur [?]/...Que fuerint primo capitula sintque
secundo/ Non est cautela duplex contraria mundo. Unidentified poem,
10 lines.
3. ff. 9r-28v [Heading, in later hand:] Tabula ordinaria
Vgutionis. [list:] Augeo Auctor Autor Anieo [?] Autor Autoritas
Autenticus Autoricabilis...Corobabel. Zoistero. Zoroastrum.
Explitiunt Vgucionis tabule.
Alphabetical table of words included in art. 5; arranged in 7-8
columns per page.
4. f. 28v Hec sunt dictiones que non inueniuntur in Vgucione.
Tranquillus. a. um. Presertim. Vniuersus. a. um...scarifico. as.
id est scarfare. cum uentosia. vnde hec scarificatio. [added in
another hand:] Muscatum [followed by an erasure of ca. 5 lines].
Short list of words (arranged in 2 columns) not found in the
Derivationes; many crossed out with the comment "cancellatum
quia reperitur" or "reperitur."
II. 5. ff. 29r-169r [Prologue:] Cum nostri protoplausti
suggestiua preuaricatione humanum genus a sue dignitatis culmine
quam longe deciderit. ac triplicis incommodi...A uerbo augmenti
nostre assertionis auspitium sortiamur. [text:] Augeo. ges. get.
auxi. auctum. amplificare augmentum dare. Inde hic auctor id est
augmentator et debet scribi cum u. et c...[text concludes:]
Zorobabel apud hebreos...iudee gentis extitit. Zoroastrum minimum
sydus. f. 169v blank, but with off-set impression of back flyleaf
or pastedown now removed Uguccione Pisano (d. 1210), Derivationes;
Marston MS 40 not listed in either Bursill-Hall, Census, or A.
Marigo, I codici manoscritti delle "Derivationes" di Uguccione
Pisano (Rome, 1936). Prologue (including additional passage found
in this manuscript), incipit and explicit published by Marigo,
op. cit., pp. xiii-xvi.
Parchment, ff. i (modern paper) + 169 + i (modern paper),
380 x 240 mm.
Part I: written space 294 x 179 mm., ruled in crayon or lead
in tabular format in three columns; prickings in lower margins.
I-II 12, III 4 (structure uncertain: two single [?] leaves stitched
in followed by bifolium). Catchword (f. 12v) in decorative frame
right of center, lower margin. Written by a single scribe in round
gothic bookhand, below top line. Divided initial, blue, 8-line,
with intricate red pen flourishes extending down inner margin,
f. 1r. Plain red initials, 2-line, to mark new letter of the
alphabet; first letter of each word in table stroked with red;
more important words preceded by paragraph mark.
Part II: written space 274 x 162 mm. 2 columns, 70 lines.
Single vertical bounding lines with additional ruling between
columns, single lower horizontal ruling extends to outer edge.
Prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins; additional
prickings in outer margin for lower horizontal bounding line.
I-XIV 10 (+ 1 leaf added at end). Remains of catchwords along
lower edge, right of center, verso. Written in small gothic
bookhand, above top line. Many sections traced over in darker
ink. Blue or red initials (some divided), 20- to 7-line, with pen
flourishes in red and/or blue, for prologue (art. 5) and each
letter of the alphabet. On ff. 29r, 43v, 60r: a single dragon-
like grotesque, in red and blue, extends up or down the margin
(for similar but more elaborate grotesques see Avril and Gousset,
pl. XLII, no. 88, f. 117). Initials, 2-line, alternate red and
blue with plain pen flourishing in opposite color. Text has
faded and flaked throughout.
Binding: Italy, s. xiv? Original sewing on four tawed skin,
slit straps laid in channels on outside of beech boards and nailed.
A beaded, natural color endband.
Covered in kermes pink tawed skin with an X within a
rectangular frame drawn on it. Traces of five round bosses on each
side and four truncated diamond-shaped catches on the lower board;
the upper board cut in for the straps. Rebacked.
Part II written in Italy in the middle of the 13th century; Part I
added in the 14th century when the two parts may have been bound
together; early provenance unknown. Unidentified shelf-mark in
ink on spine ("44/16"), repeated in pencil inside front cover.
Note, s. xviii, about the author and the text, pasted to f. 1v.
"11303", in pencil, on f. 1v. Purchased in 1954 from C. A.
Stonehill (inv. no. 3193) by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: [tabula, f. 2r:] Austroaphricus [?]
[text, f. 30r:] [fa]milia enim
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 68, no. 40.
Barbara A. Shailor