Marston MS 37 Bologna [?], s. XIV 2
Valerius Maximus, with commentary of Dionysius de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri, etc.
1. ff. 1r-3v Maximi ualerij uerborum suauitas me inducit et
quorundam dilectorum fratrum caritas me compellit. ut operi prefati
autoris iungam ego frater Giunta de sancto gemiano [?] ordinis
herimitarum sancti augustini Inuentarium siue tabulam...Abstinencia
li#o. iiij#o. c. iij#o. per totum/ Absolucio...Vxor li. vi. c. vii.
per totum.
Alphabetical index to Valerius Maximus by Junta de Sancto Geminiano;
D. Schullian, CTC 5 (1984) p. 301 (lists seven manuscripts, including
Marston MS 37, which contain the index; gives bibliography and
suggestions regarding the possible identity of the indexer).
2. ff. 3v-4r Valerii Maximi factorum et dictorum memorabilium
romanorum liber. primus Incipit Tabula. De religione obseruata.
2./ De neglecta religione. 4./...De hijs qui infimo loco nati
mendacio se clarissimis familijs inserere conati sunt. 138.
f. 4v blank
Table of contents for all nine books; folio references in Arabic
numerals added by a later hand which has also foliated the main
text of the manuscript and added book numbers in center of upper
3. f. 5r Reuerendo in christo patri et suo domino spirituali
domino Iohanni de columpna diuina prouidencia...et consumacionis
finem accepi possitis glorie sociari.
Dedication to Giovanni Colonna of the commentary of Dionysius
de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri; ed. D. Schullian, op. cit., pp. 325-26.
4. ff. 5r-141r Urbis rome et cetera. Valerius huic operi suo.
primo prohemium ponit in quo suum propositum ostendens...Et ipse
deus iusto seruicio colitur. In cuius cultu sincero eterna uita
promictitur. In secula seculorum. Amen.
Commentary on Valerius Maximus by Dionysius de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri;
D. Schullian, op. cit., pp. 326-29 (Marston MS 37 listed on p. 327);
beginning on f. 5v the commentary surrounds the text of Valerius
Maximus in all four margins.
5. ff. 5v-141r Valerij maximj factorum et dictorum memorabilium.
liber primus Incipit de religione. Urbis rome exterrarumque gencium
facta simul ac dicta memoratu digna...credula suffragacione fultum
caput imperio dementer imminens iusto inpendere supplicio coegit.
Valerius Maximus, Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem;
C. Kempf, ed., Teubner, 2nd ed. 1888, reprinted 1966, pp. 1-472.
Irregularities in Marston MS 37 include: vi.2.2-3 misplaced
from f. 88r to 88v; ix.5.2-3 omitted between ff. 132-133; eleven
lines, ix.9.2, erased on f. 135r; text on ff. 140v-141r (after
ix.15.2: "Hannibal autem canensis pugne...publice terrenius
adfixus est") marked "uacat" in margin is unidentified.
6. f. 141v Decimus huius operis liber. qui est ultimus uel
neglegencia. uel maliuolentia librariorum deperiit. Abbreviator
ue titulos eius habebat integre fortasis...[text begins:] Varro
simplicia in ytalia fuisse nomina. ait existimacionisque sue
argumentum refert...Dictum postumum communium. auricum et postumum
ebu// f. 142r-v blank
Julius Paris, Epitome of Valerius Maximus, ending imperfectly;
Kempf, op. cit., pp. 587-88.
Parchment, ff. i (contemporary parchment) + 141 (early foliation
1-141, in ink, begins on current f. 5, skips 119, and includes back
flyleaf and pastedown; modern foliation, in pencil) + i (contemporary
parchment). Format for ff. 1-4 varies; remainder of codex: 354 x 243
(292 x 200) mm. Text in 2 columns of 15-43 lines, surrounded by up to
78 lines of commentary. Single vertical bounding lines, full length.
Ruled in crayon. Remains of prickings in upper and lower margins.
I 6 (1, 2 = front pastedown and flyleaf), II 6, III-IV 8, V 6,
VI-X 8, XI 6, XII 8, XIII 6, XIV-XVIII 8, XIX-XX 4, XXI 4 (-2; 3,
4 = back flyleaf and pastedown). Catchwords with dots on either side,
in left lower margin, verso. Remains of quire and leaf signatures
(e.g., f i, f ii, f iii, etc.) in black or red, in lower right
corner, recto. Unidentified signatures, Roman numerals, in
lower left corner, verso.
Large historiated initial, f. 5r, 17-line, mauve with white
filigree and stylized foliage in red and green against gold ground,
thickly edged in black. Initial filled with a half-length portrait in
profile of a man in black robes and a black cap, probably Dionysius
de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri. Foliage serifs, blue, red, mauve, and green
with gold balls thickly edged in black extending into the upper and
inner margins to form a partial border, which extends as stylized
foliage scrolls, blue and purple into the lower margin. Gold balls
partially or completely flaked. Numerous illuminated initials, 9- to
4-line, mauve with white highlights, filled with stylized foliage,
green, red and blue on blue grounds with white filigree. Initials
for the text against gold grounds, thickly edged in black; initials
for commentary against blue ground with white filigree. Some initials
with foliage serifs, pink, red and/or blue and gold balls thickly edged
in black extending into margins. Pen and ink initials, 3-line,
alternate blue and red with red and purple penwork. Headings in red.
Plain initials touched with yellow.
Binding: Spain, s. xv. Own parchment endleaves, one cut out
in back. Original sewing on five tawed skin slit straps laid in
channels on the outside of wooden boards and fastened. Yellow edges.
The natural color, plain wound endbands are sewn through the spine
lining on tawed skin cores which are laid in grooves on the outside
of the boards. The spine is lined with vellum extending inside the
boards between supports. Covered in red-brown goatskin blind-tooled
with an X in an outer frame and crosses made of decorated circles
in the divisions. Four fastenings, truncated diamonds at head and
tail and shields at the fore edge, on the lower board. The clasp
straps are attached with star-headed nails. Traces of five small
round bosses on each board. Traces of incised inscription near
the head of the lower board. Spine leather missing. Described in
Walters Art Gallery, Bookbinding, p. 57, no. 133.
Written in Central Italy, probably Bologna to judge from the style
of decoration, in the second half of the 14th century; bound in
Spain at the beginning of the 15th century; early provenance otherwise
unknown. Belonged to the Spanish writer D. Martin Panzano y Abos
(d. 1775; bookplate; Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada, v. 41,
p. 906) and to Francois Robert Secousse (bookplate with "No 184/31"
added in ink). Unidentified bookplate on front pastedown. Purchased
from C. A. Stonehill in 1955 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: [index, f. 3r:] Pietas
[text of commentary, f. 6r:] fuit octauianus
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 68, no. 37.
Barbara A. Shailor