Marston MS 29 Northern Italy, 1402
Lucan, Pharsalia
1. f. 1r Corduba me genuit. rapuit nero. prelia dixi...plus michi
coma placet.
Epitaph of Lucan; Anthologia latina 668; B. Munk Olsen, L'Etude des
auteurs classiques latins aux XI#e et XII#e siecles v. 2 (Paris, 1985) no.
2. ff. 1r-132r Bella per Emathios plus quam ciuilia campos./ Iusque
datum sceleri canimus. populumque potentem/...Ad campos epidaure tuos.
ubi solus apertis/ Obsedit muris calcantem menia magnum. [colophon:]
.deo gratias. amen: finitur lucani liber ultimus .die. 22#o.
Septembris anno domini. 1402. scriptus per me Nicolaum de florinis.
Lucan, Pharsalia; G. Luck, ed. and tr., Lukan: Der Buergerkrieg
(Berlin, 1985) pp. 72-504. Accompanied by extensive interlinear and
marginal annotations; see art. 3.
3. ff. 1r-132r [In upper margin:] Titulus. Marcij lucij anei lucani
liber primus incipit. Materia huius fuit ciuile bellum. artifex fuit
lucanus. intentio. remouere homines a bello. cui parti physolophie,
supponitur morali...[In outer margin, at first line of poetry:] Nota
quod quatruplex est bellum scilicet remotum videlicet quod fit [?] inter
gentes...; [in outer margin, line 8:] Hic autem. tria facit primo
proponit. secundo inuocat. tertio narrat...[outer margin, f. 132r,
at Bk. 10, line 543:] Respexit. quo dicit quod cesar ita circumdatus
in loco illo arto in mente sua imaginatus est uidere seuam pugnantem
solum...quod cesar fuit ymaginatus. nec prosequitur ulterius.
deo gratias Amen.
Commentary on art. 2.
4. ff. 132v-134r Summa super toto opere lucani. Disparat elatos
regni comunio. regna/ Indiuisa solent dispariare gradus./ Tres dictatores
statuit sibi roma rebelles./...Mors semiplenum stare coegit opus.
Unidentified verse summary of art. 2.
5. ff. 134r-135v Summa super primo libro lucani. Proponit primus
liber. inuehit. inuocat atque/ Causas exponit cursus proparantis ad
urbem/...Summa super decimo libro. Ut primum. primo notat ut
perexit in urbem/ Egipti cesar. et ut est cleopatra locuta./ Et
dapibus sumptis,...Praua [corrected from: Prima] duci cesos aduersa
nefandaque passo. deo gratias. amen. [colophon:] Annos mille, quater
centumque rotante duosque/ Cursu, uigenam lucem ducente secundam/
Septembris, scripsit nicolaus sic opus istud./ Spirituique patri filio
sit gloria semper./ Qui tres sunt unus. regit unus cunctaque trinus.
f. 136r-v ruled, but blank
Verse argumenta of each book of the Pharsalia; Anthologia
Paper (watermarks: unidentified bull's head concealed by script),
ff. i (early parchment flyleaf) + 136 + i (early parchment flyleaf),
310 x 209 (225 x 98) mm. 31 lines of verse. Double vertical bounding
lines. Ruled in lead. Prickings in upper, lower and outer margins.
I-XVIII 8. Catchwords, accompanied by a single dot at beginning
and end, in lower margin to the right of center, verso. Remains of
quire and leaf signatures (e.g., b 1, b 2, etc.), lower right corner,
Written by a single scribe in well spaced gothic bookhand, above
top line. Marginalia in several contemporary hands.
Crudely executed penwork initials in red, f. 1r only; spaces for
decorative initials at beginning of each book have sketches in brown
ink (contemporary?) or are left unfilled. Headings in red. Some
guide letters for decorator.
Binding: Italy, s. xv. Vellum stays in and outside the quires.
Original sewing on three tawed skin, slit straps which are laced
through tunnels in the edges of wooden boards to channels on the
outside and pegged. Plain, wound endbands are sewn on tawed skin cores
laced or laid in grooves on the outside of the boards.
Quarter bound with brown leather, probably a later addition, as
perhaps are the clasp straps. Two leaf-shaped catches and inscription
in ink on the lower board: "Lucanus [?]." Front pastedown and flyleaf
from a lectionary (Italy, s. XI#2) containing: on the pastedown, the end
of a prophecy reading and the beginning of the epistle reading for the
Saturday of the Advent Rogation Days (Is. 45.1-8; Paul, 2 Thess. 2.1-6);
on the flyleaf, the end of the gospel reading for the common of many
virgins (Mt. 13.45-53), both readings for the dedication of a church
(Apo. 21.2-5; Lk. 19.1-10), the beginning of the epistle reading for a
mass for the dead (Paul, 1 Thess. 5.1-10). Back flyleaf and pastedown
from a homiliary (Northern Italy, s. X#2) containing: on the flyleaf,
a homily on the Eucharist and on Christ's acceptance of his passion,
according to his Father's will (//bueret remissionem cotidie in ara
mactandum...ut sine interitu iudeorum credat gentium multitudo
passionem recuso. Sin autem//); note that the text, which is marked
in certain sections for recitation, is complete vertically, but has
some cropping in the outer margin); on the pastedown, a homily on
submission to the will of God, probably a continuation of the same
text as on the flyleaf (// [?] mea pater uoluntas sed tua fiat.
Nobis ergo exemplum posuit ut cum hoc imminet quod fieri uolumus...
corporisque concretam [?] per [?]//).
Written in Northern Italy in 1402 by the scribe Nicolaus de Florinis
(colophons in arts. 2, 5). Belonged to a member of the Capilupi family
of Mantua whose inscription, s. xv, is written on f. 135v ("Lucanus
Iste Iohannis Francisci de Codelupis Optimi ingenii Iuuenis"), perhaps
to be identified with the father of Benedetto Capilupi (1461-1518;
Dizionario biografico degli italiani, v. 18, pp. 528-31). Unidentified
contemporary pen trials on front and back flyleaves. Notes, s. xv-xvi,
on verso of rear flyleaf: "Lucanus mei Francisci de buzono [or buxono?]"
and on f. 136v: "Nul bien." Belonged to Giuseppe (Joseph) Martini of
Lugano (his signature on front flyleaf, verso). Purchased from H. P.
Kraus in 1956 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: Etheris
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 67, no. 29.
Barbara A. Shailor