Marston MS 27 Spain, s. XVI 1/4
Diego Enriquez del Castillo, Cronica del Rey don Enrique IV
1. f. 1r [Later title:] Cronica del Rey Don Enrique IIII por diego
enriquez. f. 1v blank; ff. 2r-7v [table:] Tabla: capitulo primero de
la vida y filosomia [sic] del Rey. ffo. iij...capitulo clxix de como
tornado el Rey a madrid le crecio la dolencia y murio. ffo. cc.
2. ff. 8r-9r Don juan pacheco marques de villena maestre de Santiago...
y murio en grand prosperidad dhedad de cinqa. y cina [?]. anos.
ff. 9v-10v blank
Life of Don Juan Pacheco, Marques de Villena.
3. f. 11r [Contemporary title page:] Coronica del quarto Rey don enrique
de glorosa [sic] memoria hecha por el licenciado diego enrriquez de
Castillo su coronista Capellan y del su consejo. ff. 11v-12v blank
[Contemporary foliation begins:] ff. 1r-201r Tanto [corrected from
"Quanto"] los principes senalados y antiguos varones de las hedades
pasadas quedaron famosos...que nj porlo muy prospero se muestre mas
alegria nj porlas aduersidades Senaladas de alta tristeza. fin.
f. 201v blank
Diego Enriquez del Castillo (1433-1504?), Chronicle of King Enrique IV
of Castile (1425-74); J. de Flores, ed., Cronica del Rey D. Enrique
el quarto de este nombre, por su capellan y cronista Diego Enriquez
del Castillo (Madrid, 1787).
4. f. 202r Decretal texts concerning behavior of clerics, in Sp.
ff. 202v-231v blank
5. f. 232r-v Brief law text, in Lat.
Paper (watermarks: unidentified hand), ff. i (paper) + 245 (ff.
1-12, with an unnumbered leaf between 4 and 5; followed by contemporary
foliation 1-201; remainder of leaves, modern foliation 202-232) + i
(paper), 293 x 206 (232 x 155) mm. Ca. 28 long lines. Single vertical
bounding lines ruled in hard point.
I 11 [?], II 2 (ff. 11-12), III-VIII 8, IX 4, X-XXIII 8; collation
of remaining leaves impossible due to tight binding. Remains of quire
and leaf signatures (e.g., b i, bij, etc.) for quires III-XXIII only.
Written by several scribes in late Spanish bookhands with cursive
and humanistic features. Some headings in large gothic display script.
Binding: Spain, s. xvi. Sewn on three tawed skin, slit straps,
now broken, laced into channels in wooden boards. One plain wound
endband is sewn on a tawed skin core, the other endband was added later.
Covered in brown calf blind-tooled with concentric frames, the
central panel and alternate frames filled with rope interlace. The
layout of the design is the same on both boards but different small
tools are used in the central panels. Spine: four fillets outlining
the supports and in the center of the panels a small rope tool in the
center of the compartments so formed. Two fastenings, the catches
on the lower board, the clasp straps later additions. The spine is
mended at head and tail; some corners repaired.
Written in Spain in the first quarter of the 16th century; early
provenance unknown. Traces of shelf-mark, in ink, on spine "L. 6. 25
[?]." Belonged to James P. R. Lyell (bookplate); for further
information on his manuscripts see Lyell Cat., pp. xv-xxix. Bought
from the Lyell estate by Bernard Quaritch in 1951 and sold in 1952
(Cat. 699, no. 71; Cat. 716, no. 310). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill
(inv. nos. 3135 and 11204) in 1955 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: [table, f. 3:] c#o xxviij#o como llega
[text, f. 2:] por que
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 66, no. 27.
Barbara A. Shailor