Marston MS 10 Florence, ca. 1415-20
Demosthenes, et al., Lat. tr. Leonardo Bruni
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1. ff. 1r-7r Demosthenis oratio traducta a Leonardo Arretino.
Nequaquam eadem mihi uideor intelligere o uiri athenienses cum res
ipsas...uos autem sequamini quod et rei p. et uobis omnibus profuturum
sit. ff. 7v-8v ruled, but blank
Demosthenes, Olynthica tertia, translated into Latin by Leonardo Bruni;
Baron, p. 178.
2. ff. 9r-11r Aeschinis epistola. Leonardus transtulit. Aeschines
atromiti senatui populoque atheniensi salutem. Ego me ad remp.
contuli trigesimo tertio etatis anno. non me hercle ex scena ut aiebat
demostenes...cui necessarium est magisquam malanopo contra nos roganti
annuere. Explicit.
Aeschines, Epistola senatui populoque Atheniensi, translated into Latin
by Leonardo Bruni; Baron, p. 178.
3. ff. 11r-14v Epistola philippi regis. Leonardi Ar. Rex macedonum
philippus ateniensium senatui plebique salutem. Quoniam persepe iam
legatos misi qui uobiscum agerent. ut pacta conuenctionesque seruaremus...
et diis testibus inuocatis pro rebus meis pugnabo. Explicit.
(Anaximenes of Lampsacus), Epistola Philippi ad Athenienses,
translated into Latin by Leonardo Bruni; Baron, p. 171.
4. ff. 15r-53r Eschinis oratio contra ctesiphontem traducta per
leonardum arretinum. Quanti conatus parentur uiri athenienses ad hoc
iudicium oppugnandum. quantisque precibus nitantur...Vos autem ex dictis
et omissis iuste pro re publica decernatis.
Aeschines, Oratio contra Ctesiphontem, translated into Latin by Leonardo
Bruni; Baron, p. 163.
5. ff. 53r-96r Leonardi Arretini. Demosthenis oratio. pro
Primum quidem viri athenienses deos atque deas omnes precor...metus et
salutem indubiam prestate [added by another hand:] et finis. Deo gracias
Amen. ff. 96r-97v blank
Demosthenes, Oratio pro Ctesiphonte (De corona); Baron, p. 162.
Parchment (speckled on hair side), ff. ii (paper) + 97 (remains of
contemporary foliation, Roman numerals) + ii (paper), 234 x 158 (165 x 83)
mm. Written in 22 long lines; double vertical and single horizontal
bounding lines, full length and full width (Derolez 13.33).
Ruled in hard point on hair side. Prickings along outer edge (Derolez
I 8, II-IX 10, X 9 [structure uncertain]. Catchwords in lower right
corner near gutter, verso (Derolez 12.4).
Written in an expert humanistic bookhand characterized by prominent
approach and finishing strokes. The headings in red are by a different
One very fine illuminated initial, 12-line, in gold on vibrant blue
ground with white vine-stem ornament. The stems of the initial are divided
into compartments and filled with penwork decoration in red, blue and green
on parchment ground. Four small initials, 6- to 5-line, gold on vibrant
blue ground with white vine-stem ornament. Headings in red.
Binding: France or Italy, s. xix. Brown calf blind- and gold-tooled,
with shells and caducei in the blind-tooled borders. Edges red.
Written in Florence ca. 1415-20 according to A. C. de la Mare; possibly by
the same scribe who wrote Vatican Lat. 1613; London, British Library,
Harley MS 2771; Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana 54, 29; Oxford, Bodleian
Library, MS E. D. Clarke 25 (we thank A. C. de la Mare for this information);
early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (stamp
and note on first flyleaf recto and verso, with nos. 922 and 2681).
According to Phillipps Studies, v. 3, p. 147, no. 922 was acquired from
Abate Luigi Celotti (ca. 1768-ca.1846; no. 111 in his second sale catalogue:
Sotheby's, 14 March 1825, listed as "Demosthenis et Aeschines Orationes, in
Lat. traductae a Leonardo Aretino") whereas no. 2681 was bought from Thorpe;
there is, however, no internal evidence to suggest that the volume was
previously composed of two separate manuscripts. Belonged to Charles Butler
of Warren Wood, Hatfield (bookplate inside front cover); his sale at
Sotheby's, 5 April 1911, no. 361. Purchased from Lathrop C. Harper in 1948
by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).
secundo folio: [com]memorare
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 65, no. 10.
Barbara A. Shailor